News & Views in 2020

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  • The fundamental machine-learning task of classification can be difficult to achieve directly in ordinary computing hardware. Unconventional silicon-based electrical circuits can be evolved to accomplish this task.

    • Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin
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  • Two threads of research in the quest for methods that predict the 3D structures of proteins from their amino-acid sequences have become fully intertwined. The result is a leap forward in the accuracy of predictions.

    • Mohammed AlQuraishi
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  • It has been difficult to make transparent materials that have extremely high piezoelectricity — a useful property related to the coupling of electric fields and mechanical strain. This hurdle has now been overcome.

    • Jurij Koruza
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  • How Nature reported the discovery of ancient human bones in Australia in 1970, and how the First World War revolutionized the production of maps of France.

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  • A subpopulation of adaptive immune cells patrols the brain and cerebrospinal fluid in people who have Alzheimer’s disease. This discovery should broaden our understanding of how the immune system can influence neurodegeneration.

    • Michael T. Heneka
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  • How Nature reported the establishment of a wildlife sanctuary in the Pacific Ocean in 1920, and a wry analysis of whether procreation causes heart attacks.

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  • Astronomical signals called fast radio bursts remain enigmatic, but a key discovery has now been made. A second repeating fast radio burst has been traced to its host galaxy, and its home bears little resemblance to that of the first.

    • Matthew Bailes
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  • Could artificial intelligence improve the accuracy of screening for breast cancer? A comparison of the diagnostic performance of expert physicians and computers suggests so, but the clinical implications are as yet uncertain.

    • Etta D. Pisano
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  • Observations of a distant cluster of galaxies suggest that star formation began there only 370 million years after the Big Bang. The results provide key details about where and when the first stars and galaxies emerged in the Universe.

    • Nina A. Hatch
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  • A widely used vaccine against tuberculosis has now been shown to provide almost complete protection when injected intravenously. This is a striking improvement over vaccination through the typical intradermal route.

    • Samuel M. Behar
    • Chris Sassetti
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  • The reliance of infrared spectroscopy on light transmission limits the sensitivity of many analytical applications. An approach that depends on the emission of infrared radiation from molecules promises to solve this problem.

    • Andreas Barth
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