Commercial reprints

Springer Nature is the publisher of some of the world’s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. Across our wide portfolio of journals we cover the full range of research disciplines – providing a home for all sound research and a platform for some of the most important discoveries of our generation. Nature Portfolio journals cover the cutting edge of science, technology and medicine, and provide high impact reviews of their fields through prestigious multi-disciplinary titles from Nature Portfolio and a variety of discipline-specific academic journals.

Reprints Service from Springer Healthcare

Springer Healthcare, part of the Springer Nature group, is the exclusive provider of reprints for the Nature Portfolio journals.

The Nature Portfolio contains some of the most highly cited and influential journals in the world and can be translated into any language. At Springer Healthcare we offer a reprint service that has a global reach with local market expertise including over 375 employees in 20 locations throughout the world.

  • Reprints (Hard-copy reprints) – Reproductions of original journal articles and book chapters printed on high-quality paper. Reprints are available in color or black and white, and must be ordered in quantities of at least 100.
  • ePrints (Electronic reprints) – ePrints are encrypted, electronic copies of works in PDF format that you can distribute via email, post on a website or use in e-detailing. ePrints must be ordered in quantities of at least 100.

Both formats may be created with official journal covers, company logos, disclaimers and advertisements (subject to approval).

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Springer Healthcare is the exclusive provider of Nature Portfolio commercial reprints.