Frequently asked questions

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Author reprints


What is a reprint?

A reprint is a copy of an article or advertisement. They are available exactly as originally printed, on 70# glossy paper, in multiples of 100 up to a total number of 300. Reprints can be ordered in black and white or full color, and can be customized with additional typesetting, logos and covers.

Can I add a cover to my reprint?

Title page covers are included. These covers include the journal's logo, article title, author name(s) and citation information printed on plain white paper. Alternatively, the issue cover of the desired journal can be added for an additional fee.

Can I add supplementary information to my reprint?

Reprints can be customized with additional typesetting (including supplementary information published online), product codes or logos, as well as info about your project or organization, a CV/résumé, biography or advertisement. Additional fees may apply.

Can I reprint my color article in black and white?

Yes, color graphics can be converted to grayscale for printing in black and white.

Can I reprint an older article?

Most articles are available, please email for availability of older material.

Can I see a proof of my reprint?

Proofs are not standard, however you can request a proof.

Can I order more than 300 reprints?

Authors may order up to 300 reprints, after that commercial rates apply. Commercial reprints can be ordered online or by contacting your regional sales representative.

Can I reprint an entire issue?

Yes, generally it is possible to reprint entire issues in large quantities. Please email for information.

How are reprints shipped?

UPS Ground or International shipment is included, and faster shipment is available at extra cost. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Can my order be mailed to more than one address?

Split-shipment is available, please contact for more information.

Can I post a PDF reprint on my website?

E-Print PDFs can be purchased for web posting and electronic distribution. For more information, please see our E-Print FAQ.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payment may be made by purchase order, credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), personal check, money order and bank wire transfer. Government and Institutional Purchase cards are also accepted. Please email for details.

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Commercial reprints

Commercial reprints are sold on a regional basis. Please contact the appropriate regional sales representative.


Tel: +1 212-620-8408
Fax: +1 212-620-8442

Rest of World


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Permission requests

Why do I have to use Rightslink® to obtain my permission?

Where possible, all permissions for NPG material are now processed through Rightslink®. This allows the quickest turnaround for requestors and enables us to track all the requests we receive through a single system.

Can I still fax a form from my publisher for you to sign?

No. NPG will no longer sign and return other publishers' standard permission forms, as these do not contain NPG's terms and conditions. A printable licence is available through Rightslink®.

I have received free permission in the past. Why am I now being asked to pay?

While setting up the Rightslink® application, we reviewed our pricing for permissions. While reasonable amounts of material are still granted free to academics and various non-profit organizations, we have revised the policy on who we charge, in order to protect the value of what we publish.

My publisher is an STM member, and yet I'm being asked to pay. Why?

NPG applies the STM policy on permissions only to those publishers who are actually signatories to the agreement [82k PDF].

I am gaining a free permission. Why do I have to enter my credit card details on Rightslink®?

You don't. If you register to pay by invoice (even though you're not going to on this occasion), your credit card details will not be required.

The permission usage I require is not listed as an option on Rightslink®.

Are you sure? Please bear in mind that we are primarily concerned with WHY the material is being produced, as opposed to the medium in which the material will exist. So if, for example, you are producing a CD-Rom for CME training purposes, you should select 'Use in training materials' as your 'Type of Use'. The fact that you cannot actually enter 'CD-rom' does not matter to us.

If you are certain that your intended usage cannot be accommodated by Rightslink®, please contact the appropriate permissions manager for the journal.

I need permission to re-use online material published as supplementary information to a paper. What do I do?

NPG does not have the right to grant permission for supplementary information. Please apply to the authors of the paper.

I need permission to adapt NPG material. Will a licence from Rightslink® allow for this?

Yes. The terms and conditions generated when a permission is processed through Rightslink® allow for the material to be adapted without additional permission.

I need permission to reproduce NPG material in print AND electronically. What do I do?

Permission granted free of charge through Rightslink® for material in print is also usually granted for any electronic version of that work, provided that the material is incidental to the work as a whole and that the electronic version is essentially equivalent to, or substitutes for, the print version.

Where print permission is granted for a fee, separate permission must be obtained for any additional, electronic re-use (unless, as in the case of a full paper, this has already been accounted for during your initial request in the calculation of a print run).

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ePrint PDFs

What is an e-print PDF?

An E-Print is an HTML version of a paper that can be hosted on a web site for viewing by multiple users. E-Prints are sold on the basis of a certain number of downloads or a period of time, and the purchaser is alerted once this limit has been reached. E-Prints are encrypted and require a one-time internet connection which allows your E-Print to validate itself.

Can I add a cover to my e-print?

Yes, there are 2 types of covers:

  • Title page cover, which includes the journal's logo, article title, author name(s) and citation information, OR
  • Issue cover of the desired journal.

Can I add supplementary information to my e-print?

E-prints can be customized with additional typesetting (including supplementary information published online), product codes or logos, as well as info about your project or organization, a CV/Résumé, bio, or advertisement. Additional fees may apply.

Can older articles be supplied as e-prints?

Yes, any article available in our digital archive can be made into an e-print. The weekly journal nature is available back to 1869 and most other journals are available back to start date.

Can I see a proof of my e-print?

Yes, while proofs are not standard, you can request a proof.

How is the usage calculated? Can I keep track?

Usage is tracked via IP address. Please feel free to call your sales representative to confirm time or downloads remaining on your E-Print.

What happens when the E-Print uses run out?

You will be notified that your E-Print license is about to expire. At that time you may renew your license if you choose. 

* Please note that all quantity-based E-Prints expire 2 years after E-print publication (go live) date.

What version of Acrobat Reader do I need?

Acrobat 7.0 or higher is necessary for the PDF to be viewed, it will not display on lower versions.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payment may be made by purchase order, credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), personal check, money order and bank wire transfer. Government and Institutional Purchase cards are also accepted. Please email for details.

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