Research Highlights

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  • Two recent studies look for magnetic monopoles in very different, and rather exotic, places: in heavy ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and the IceCube neutrino detector in Antarctica.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Two papers in Physical Review Letters report experiments and simulations on how fluid flow affects the shapes of ice and rock formations in water.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • Forty years ago saw the introduction of stochastic resonance — the counter-intuitive idea that noise may help a nonlinear system respond to a weak signal.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • In 1961, Rolf Landauer noted that erasing one bit of information has a thermodynamics cost. This observation explained Maxwell’s demon paradox and was influential in the early days of quantum computing.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Fifty years ago saw a breakthrough in the study of vertex models, which are statistical mechanics models that have applications to ice, among other systems.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • The OPERA experiment should be remembered for its scientific legacy not for the superluminal neutrinos report 10 years ago.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Elliot Leader recounts the theoretical prediction and recent discovery of the odderon.

    • Elliot Leader
    Research Highlight
  • A collaboration between art and science shows how to overcome the limits of traditional weaving techniques as reported in a recent article in Physical Review Letters.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Nature Machine Intelligence reports a deep-learning-based approach for measuring fluid flows using particle image velocimetry.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • Launched 2 years ago, the Deep-Space Atomic Clock (DSAC) mission has exceeded expectations for the first mercury ion clock in space, demonstrating a long-term stability beyond the current performance of other space clocks.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Sergey Borisenko reflects on 99 years of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), a technique widely used today to understand the electronic structure of materials.

    • Sergey Borisenko
    Research Highlight
  • A table-top experiment, reported in Physical Review Letters, simulates a shockwave propagating through a solid and provides evidence that continuum models do not capture all the relevant physics.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Science Advances presents a model of how pasta deforms as it cooks and suggests designs for “flat pack” pasta.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Soft Matter reports new measurements of the anatomy and fluid dynamics of a leg joint of jumping spiders, which use a hydraulic system to move.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • In May 2011, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) arrived on the International Space Station. Despite the difficulties of running a particle physics experiment in space, AMS-02 has produced exciting results related to dark matter and cosmic rays.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • 10 years since the completion of the IceCube neutrino detector, it has made a number of exciting discoveries, including the recent observation of W boson decay, a process known as the Glashow resonance.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight