Research Highlights

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  • An article in Nature presents a conceptually new scanning probe microscope, called a quantum twisting microscope, which enables both momentum-resolved measurements and in situ tuning of the twist angle between 2D materials stacked on top of each other.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Nature reports the observation of spin-polarized excitonic topological states in the topological insulator Bi2Te3.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports a solvent-free electronic material that is as soft as biological tissue like the brain.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science demonstrates a Li–air battery with a solid-state electrolyte that achieves an energy density higher than for Li-ion batteries.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • An article in ACS Nano uses a nonspecific crosslinker to covalently stabilize a variety of 2D and 3D nanocrystal superlattices.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science reports new insight in the formation of defects during 3D printing of metals and presents a highly accurate method to track defects as they form, opening the way for closed-loop control systems.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science Advances explains the mechanisms behind the durability of ancient Roman concrete.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports an environmentally friendly and selective way to synthesize propylene and propylene oxide.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • An article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society presents metal–organic frameworks with Olympic rings-inspired structures.

    • Jet-Sing M. Lee
    Research Highlight
  • An article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society reports azobenzene crystals that roll continuously under visible light, thanks to crystal packing effects that shift azobenzene’s light-responsive window.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Catalysis presents a computationally guided optimization of iron-based cathodes for protonic ceramic fuel cells that led to the fabrication of devices with good efficiency and stability.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Advanced Materials reports biosensor arrays based on a field-effect transistor that can identify bladder cancer with high accuracy from untreated urine samples.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Angewandte Chemie International Edition discovers a pair of colloidal semiconductor magic-size clusters that can isomerize through either a direct and intra-cluster pathway or an indirect and inter-cluster pathway.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports on a flexible semimetal with high thermopower that can enable low-temperature solid-state cooling.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • A manuscript in Advanced Materials reports a strategy to use electrode design to control the formation of the conduction channels in memristors, improving their reliability.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications combines electron diffraction and hierarchical cluster analysis to determine the precise, atom-level structure of covalent organic frameworks.

    • Johannes Kreutzer
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Materials uses entropy engineering to fabricate capacitors with high energy density.

    • Charlotte Allard
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Angewandte Chemie International Edition finds that a frozen environment can accelerate the degradation of microplastics.

    • Ariane Vartanian
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Materials sheds light on the mechanisms underlying dendrite formation in solid-state batteries and shows that a well-chosen metallic interlayer at the electrode–electrolyte interface can mitigate dendrite growth.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports a wireless theranostic contact lens that can sense and treat the onset of glaucoma.

    • Nesma El-Sayed Ibrahim
    Research Highlight