License to Publish/Open Access/Self-Archiving

On this page: Open Access and Self-Archiving  | Digital Preservation | Availability of Research Data | Extend the reach of your paper | About DOI 

Open Access and Self-Archiving

Self-archiving and green open access

Where articles are published via the subscription route, Springer Nature permits authors to self-archive the accepted manuscript (the version post-peer review, but prior to copy-editing and typesetting) on their own personal website and/or in their funder or institutional repositories, for public release after an embargo period of six months after first publication. 

Learn more about self-archiving.

Open access publication (gold open access)

Authors of research articles can opt to pay an article processing charge (APC) for their accepted articles to be open access online immediately upon publication. Open access articles are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). Under Creative Commons, authors retain copyright in their articles. The CC BY license allows for maximum dissemination and re-use of open access materials and is preferred by many research funding bodies. Under this license, users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution including for commercial purposes, providing they attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor (read full legal code). All Springer Nature journals with an open access option offer intergovernmental organisation (IGO) versions of Creative Commons licences on request, where required by the author’s employer.

To facilitate self-archiving Springer Nature deposits open access articles in PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central on publication. Authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their open access article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server immediately on publication.

Visit our open research site for detailed information about publishing open access in NPP—Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience:

Compliance with open access mandates

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For any questions relating to pricing please see the Springer Nature Journal Pricing FAQs page. Visit our open research site for detailed information about publishing open access in this journal.

Standard Publication 

Waiver of institutional open access policies

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To facilitate self-archiving we deposit open access articles in PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central on publication if the article meets the PMC deposition guidelines; full details of our deposition policies are found under the “Self-archiving and digital preservation” information here. Authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server immediately on publication.

Digital Preservation

Springer Nature ensures that publications are preserved and available for future scholars, researchers, and students. Find out more about archiving agreements with Digital Preservation organizations here.

Availability of research data

Springer Nature helps authors make their research data as open as possible by supporting practices for sharing and archiving data. Find out more about our policies and services here.

Extend the reach of your paper

We encourage you to take some immediate and simple steps that can help extend the reach and impact of your paper. Learn how you can disseminate your research to your inner circles through the use of social media and online communities by visiting our Author Tips page.

About DOI

Digital Object Identifiers

A digital object identifier (DOI) is an international, public, "persistent identifier of intellectual property entities" in the form of a combination of numbers and letters. For Springer Nature content the DOI is assigned to an item of editorial content, providing a unique and persistent identifier for that item. The DOI system is administered by the International DOI Foundation, a not-for-profit organization. CrossRef, a not-for-profit organization, makes the DOI a reference linking standard and enables cross-publisher linking. It also maintains the lookup system for DOIs. Springer Nature is a founding, and board, member of CrossRef.

Can I use the DOI in a reference citation?

Yes. Digital content may be referenced by providing the paper's DOI at the end of the citation. For example:

[Author(s)]. [Title]. NPP—Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience accepted article preview, [publication date]; doi:[DOI].


[Author(s)], ([Year]). [Title]. NPP—Digital Psychiatry and Neuroscience [volume], [page(s)]; doi:[DOI].

How can I use a DOI to find a paper?

  • To find a paper on the platform use the paper's DOI as a Search term.
  • To resolve any DOI, go to the DOI System proxy server and enter the paper's DOI.