
  • Focus |

    In recent years, pioneering theoretical and experimental works showed that the method of periodic driving, so-called ‘Floquet engineering’, opens the door to a plethora of new phenomena in quantum materials and quantum simulations. This Focus Collection strives to provide and curate, as a single resource, a venue for the latest research and interesting findings on Floquet engineering of quantum systems.

    Image: Martin Claassen
  • Focus |

    In recent years, several works revealed that networks of coupled optical oscillators, e.g., lasers and optical parametric oscillators, show a great promise for emulating a classical spin model. This Collection aims to curate, as a single resource, interesting research articles on the subject and accelerate the formation of a roadmap for future research directions of the field.

  • Focus |

    In many real-world systems, interactions are not limited to pairs of subjects and can occur in groups of higher size. This Collection provides a venue for the latest and most important findings on higher-order interaction networks

    Image: internet