
Applying mixed methods research designs to key challenges and complexities in business

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Mixed Methods Research (MMR) has been labelled the ‘third methodological movement’ and a field that has matured considerably in the last two decades with a strong global cross disciplinary scholarly and methodological community. MMR offers multiple perspectives to study increasingly rapidly changing VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous) contexts.

Applying MMR designs requires advanced research skills and a strong knowledge base in its methodological foundations and associated key characteristics.

The objective of this Collection is to showcase the application of MMR designs to complex business problems and to evidence the insights that these research designs give to addressing key business issues. The uptake and adoption of MMR designs across the vast array of business sub-disciplines has been anything but consistent. Strong research methodology and research training traditions in certain sub-disciplines has, to a varying extent, hindered methodological innovation. Other sub-disciplines have increasingly utilised and accepted MMR for publication. 

This Collection provides an opportunity for business academics and researchers to demonstrate the utility and value of MMR designs in addressing wicked business problems and advancing its application in business contexts.

Research papers are welcomed from business sub-disciplines such as:

  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Leadership
  • HRM and HRD
  • Strategic Management
  • Operations Management
  • Project Management
  • Health Management
  • Sports Management
  • Supply Chains
  • CSR and Sustainability
  • Accounting and Banking
  • Finance, Business Services and Insurance
  • International Business
  • Cross Cultural Business studies
  • Business Information Systems
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Business contexts
  • Business Ethics
  • AI and Big Data Analytics
  • Public Sector Management
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Event Management
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management

Original research is invited that:

  • Presents the application of MMR designs that are innovative and novel;
  • Draws upon the MMR foundational literature and key characteristics of MMR;
  • Includes a detailed rationale for the application of an MMR design, justifications of the application of methods applied and how data was integrated in the relevant area of study;
  • Utilises big data in an MMR study;
  • Utilises AI and AI associated technologies to analyse data in an MMR framework;
  • Describes how the quantitative and qualitative components are integrated in one or more study phases and provides explicit evidence of this integration;
  • Details what insights and added value the MMR approach provided in answering the research questions driving the study;
  • Discusses and interprets findings in context of appropriate wider literature;
  • Demonstrates clear significance and contribution to advancing knowledge in the area of application (complex business issues and contexts).

Conceptual papers that address one or more of the aspects below are welcome but are not confined to these aspects:

  • Paradigmatic stances in MMR
  • Theoretical and conceptual frameworks in MMR
  • Sampling strategies for MMR
  • Quality in MMR
  • Mixing of methodologies (e.g., MMR Grounded Theory Designs, MMR Intervention Designs, MMR case study designs)
  • Secondary data analysis in MMR
  • Integrated data analysis techniques for MMR
  • Integration strategies for MMR
  • Software for MMR data analysis and integration
  • Ethical issues in MMR
  • Teaching MMR

The Collection focuses on MMR as a methodology and demonstrations as to its utility and value in addressing complex business issues. Research papers and conceptual papers are welcome that employ MMR designs and address and or advance MMR methodological issues. Papers can be interdisciplinary however the essential focus needs to be MMR.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 9 - Industry Innovation & Infrastructure

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Manuscript editing services
3D art of a white maze with a red trail attempting to navigate it.


Roslyn Cameron, PhD, Torrens University, Australia

Professor Roslyn Cameron is Director of the Centre for Organisational Change and Agility (COCA) at Torrens University Australia. She is Co-Convenor of the Mixed Methods Research Special Interest Group of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), a past Board Member of the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) and a member of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) Advisory Research Panel in Australia. Ros is a Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute (FAHRI) and prior to joining academia was a Senior HR Consultant working in Australia, the Middle East and Fiji islands. She has been the recipient of several large-scale workforce development research grants and an array of smaller scale research grants related to skilled migration, work readiness/employability, future skilling/future of work and workforce development for the local government sector. She has secured over $1.9m AUD in funding and has over 90 publications.


Sergi Fàbregues, PhD, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain

Dr. Sergi Fàbregues is Associate Professor of Research Methods at the Department of Psychology and Education of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), Associate Member of the Mixed Methods Program of the University of Michigan, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. Dr. Fàbregues is an applied methodologist interested in qualitative and mixed methods research, particularly the process of integrating quantitative and qualitative data, the quality of mixed methods research, teaching mixed methods, and conducting systematic methodological reviews on qualitative and mixed methods research topics. He has conducted methodological workshops on mixed methods in several countries, including the United States, New Zealand, Spain, and Colombia. He has worked as a qualitative and mixed methods consultant in a variety of funded projects on topics such as public health and nutrition, gender and ICT, education and ICT, and developmental disabilities.

Prospective authors may contact the Guest Editors via email:

Roslyn Cameron:

Sergi Fàbregues: