
Aging and public health

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Although public health policies and campaigns and have contributed significantly to improving longevity over the past century, older adults have not been central to the public health agenda as the field developed, and many current public health priorities do not focus on older adults. However, older individuals face significant health concerns, including neurological diseases, declining physical health, increased loneliness, and health inequities. Therefore, as the world’s population continues to age, promoting health for older adults will become a vital priority for public health. In addition to promoting physical health priorities, including such as health checkups, vaccinations, and neurological screenings, we must examine other priorities to increase the health-related quality of life for older individuals, such as creating age-friendly communities, reducing social isolation and loneliness in older adults, and addressing ageism in healthcare and public health settings.

This Collection invites original research on the intersection of aging and public health and welcomes studies examining all aspects of promoting healthy aging.

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Elderly woman practices sport moving the spinning wheels in a bio-healthy park


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