
Dark personality traits

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Dark personality traits are negatively associated personality traits often responsible for ethically and socially denounceable behaviour. Probably the most prominent ones are psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism - which are often referred to as the Dark Triad. While each dark personality trait has distinct characteristics, they are generally thought to be socially aversive and are often associated with manipulative and coercive behaviours, aggression, and avoidant attachment styles. Dark personality traits have been linked to problems in the classroom or the workplace, however, they have also been found to be adaptive under certain conditions - such as psychopathy appearing to increase mating success.

This Collection welcomes work from the areas of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, seeking a better understanding of dark personality traits - including how they arise and whether they can be linked back to a common dispositional tendency.

A person wearing a black jumper is pictured from the waist up, and stands in front of a white wall with arms at their sides. They are wearing a white mask covering their entire face and short hair can be seen at the top of their head.


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