
Advances in neutron techniques

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Neutron techniques nowadays are fundamental in materials science, biomedical, geology, energy, as well as archaeology. Neutron scattering, neutron diffraction, neutron imaging, neutron spectroscopy etc. are examples of techniques that have been developed by researchers to exploit the unique characteristics of neutrons. Neutrons allow us to probe structures, dynamics, and magnetic properties of materials down to the atomic scale - neutrons, which have the property of not being electrically charged, can pass through a material and reveal information of the material itself, as a consequence of their interactions with the atomic nuclei.  Because of their sensitivity to light elements such as hydrogen, lithium and oxygen they have also attracted research attention for studying improved energy materials for nuclear, solar and wind power.

This Collection aims to gather the latest advances in the topic of neutron techniques, looking at the next generation of neutron systems as well as their exploitation in modern applications to address current society needs.

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dynamic energetic blue indigo gold atom model concept illustration of glowing proton neutron nucleus


Submitting a paper for consideration


To submit your manuscript for consideration at Scientific Reports as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, under “I’m submitting:” select the option “any other article type”. Once logged in you can submit your manuscript to a Collection by selecting “Guest Edited Collection”, under the “Choose the appropriate manuscript type” message, and clicking “Continue”. Then when filling out the manuscript information, select the "Advances in neutron techniques" Collection from the alphabetical list on the “Springer Nature Subject Category” tab. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Accepted papers are published on a rolling basis as soon as they are ready.

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