
Atmospheric Chemistry

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Research in atmospheric chemistry is vital to understand and address the increasingly recognized impact of human activities on air quality and climate. Unravelling the intricacies of Earth's atmospheric chemistry demands a harmonious collaboration among various scientific approaches. At the heart of this research lies the synergy between field measurements, laboratory experiments, and computer simulations to deepen our understanding of this complex realm. Field measurements provide insights into the composition of organic trace gases and aerosol particles across diverse locations. These measurements not only unveil the atmospheric compositions but also serve as a critical testbed for evaluating the accuracy of computer models. To construct accurate models, a wealth of input parameters (e.g., thermodynamic, spectroscopic, and reaction kinetic parameters for detected constituents) is required, which can be sourced from laboratory experiments. By benchmarking the model simulations against real-world observations, we can refine our understanding of how chemical and physical processes lead to the evolution of atmospheric compositions. This themed Collection welcomes original research on advancing field measurements, laboratory experiments, and computer simulations for atmospheric chemistry, with an attempt of bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and real-world implications.

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Clouds with sunlight


  • Mohd Talib Latif, PhD

    Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

  • Prabir K. Patra, PhD

    Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Principal Scientist, Research Institute for Global Change, JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan

  • Weigang Wang, PhD

    Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Mohd Talib Latif, Phd

Mohd Talib Latif is a Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution at the Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His main research work included the composition of atmospheric aerosols, atmospheric gases such as surface ozone and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Professor Latif has been an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports since 2022. 


Prabir Patar, Phd

Prabir Patra is a Professor at Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto. His academic interests include air pollution arising from crop-residue burning in northwest India. He is also working as Principal Scientist at JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan for more than two decades with a research focus on greenhouse gases. Professor Patra has been an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports since 2021.


Weigang Wang, Phd

Weigang Wang is a Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science. His research areas cover atmospheric chemistry and environmental health, focusing on photooxidation, nanoparticle formation, multiphase reactions, and the influence of atmospheric chemistry processes on air quality, climate, and health. Dr Wang has been an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports since 2016.