
Channelopathies: molecular and genetic mechanisms

Ion channels are ubiquitously expressed in human tissues and represent one of the largest and best understood functional groups of proteins, with over 400 different types identified so far. Our understanding of their function is critical for the development of therapeutic approaches aimed at treating and preventing channelopathies, human diseases related to the dysfunction of ion channels. This Collection provides a home for research providing new directions for unravelling the molecular and genetic mechanisms of these pathologies.

Submissions are welcome on a rolling basis. 

Channel in open state


All articles have undergone Scientific Reports' standard peer review process and have been subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. This includes the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Guest Editor declares no competing interests with the submissions which they have handled through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Guest Editor has competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.

This Collection has not been supported by sponsorship.