
Secondary infections

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Secondary infections are those that occur alongside or following primary infection, and are a direct or indirect consequence of the initial infection. For instance, primary infections, and the treatments used to tackle them, can frequently weaken an individual’s immune defences or disrupt commensal microbial communities, making them more susceptible to additional pathogens. To mitigate the impact of secondary infections and improve treatments, we must advance our understanding of secondary infections and translate the research findings into tangible solutions for clinical practice and public health. Current areas of research include investigation into the interactions between pathogens and host organisms that predispose individuals to secondary infections, antibiotic-resistance in secondary infections, infection dynamics, and the efficacy of existing preventative measures such as vaccination.

This Collection welcomes submissions of original research articles from fields including, but not limited to, immunology, microbiology and epidemiology that advance our understanding of secondary infections.

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Disease X Cells. 3D Render


  • Nazish Bostan, PhD

    Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan

  • Luis Felipe Reyes, MD, PhD, MSc

    Unisabana Center for Translational Science, School of Medicine, Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia; Pandemic Sciences Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

  • Takahiro Takazono, MD, PhD

    Department of Infectious Diseases, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Nagasaki University Hospital, Nagasaki, Japan

Collections articles undergo Scientific Reports' standard peer review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. This includes the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Guest Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Guest Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests. For more information, refer to our Collections guidelines

This Collection has not been supported by sponsorship.