
Point Counter Point

Through this collection we aim to shed light on diverse and stimulating topics that arise in the field. Each Point Counter Point consists of three papers - an Overview, For, Against - and these papers aim to discuss controversies in management in spinal cord injury. 

Spinal Injury Surgery
Surgery for spinal injury with neurologic deficit: a matter of opinion?
The case for surgery of the injured spine in the management of traumatic cord injuries
Traumatic spinal injury and spinal cord injury: point for active physiological conservative management as compared to surgical management

The importance of the anal exam in neurologic classification of spinal cord injury
The importance of the bulbocavernosus reflex
The anorectal exam is unnecessary!

The enigma of cannabis use in spinal cord injury
Cannabis shenanigans: advocating for the restoration of an effective treatment of pain following spinal cord injury
Cannabis conundrum