
Colloidal systems

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Colloidal systems consist of dispersed particles, whose size ranges between 1 – 1000 nm, suspended in a dispersion medium. Such systems differ from systems such as solutions or suspensions: colloidal systems have the characteristics that the colloidal particles (dispersed phase) remain disperse and do not settle. Colloidal particles lead to a variety of interesting physical effects and interactions (e.g. Tyndal effects - light interaction/scattering with colloidal particles), that have attracted research attention for their possible exploitation in modern technologies. Applications where such systems can be paramount include pharmaceutical, food, and paint as well as optical switches and lasers for advanced communications and displays.

This Collection brings together original research in the topic of colloidal systems, looking at their interesting characteristics and their use in timely applications.

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Atom icon. Shining nuclear model on dark background. Glowing energy balls.


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