
Depression, suicidality and suicide prevention

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Up to 20% of individuals around the globe will suffer from depression in their lifetime; however, strategies to minimize risk and rapid treatments are not available for all affected individuals. Depression is a significant public health concern that impacts social and occupational functioning, and is also a major risk factor for suicide. Suicidal ideation and behaviour, for example, are often increased in individuals suffering from depression. Importantly, however, suicides are preventable when warning signs are recognized early, and timely, evidence-based interventions are implemented. The most successful efforts to prevent suicides are likely to be multipronged approaches that target different facets of experience to support at-risk individuals. This Collection welcomes original research articles that expand our understanding of depression and suicidality, which may or may not co-occur with depression. Studies reporting empirical research on the risk factors, warning signs, and strategies aimed at the prevention of suicide that may lead to policy recommendations are of particular interest.

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Manuscript editing services
Helping hands


  • Chong Chen

    Yamaguchi University, Japan

  • Hsi-Chung Chen

    Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan

  • Irina Esterlis

    Yale University Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, and VA NCPTSD, USA

  • Roger C.M. Ho

    Professor and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine and Institute for Health Innovation and Technology (iHealthtech), National University of Singapore, Singapore

Submitting a paper for consideration


To submit your manuscript for consideration at Scientific Reports as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, under “I’m submitting:” select the option “any other article type”. Once logged in you can submit your manuscript to a Collection by selecting “Guest Edited Collection”, under the “Choose the appropriate manuscript type” message, and clicking “Continue”. Then when filling out the manuscript information, select the "Depression, suicidality and suicide prevention" Collection from the alphabetical list on the “Springer Nature Subject Category” tab. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Accepted papers are published on a rolling basis as soon as they are ready.

In addition to papers on Depression, suicidality and suicide prevention, Scientific Reports welcomes all original research in the field of Psychology. To browse our latest articles in Psychology click here.


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