
Soft Robotics: Sensing, Actuation, and Integration

Inspired by invertebrate organisms like jellyfish and earthworm, the research of soft robotics as alternatives to traditional rigid robots has made tremendous progress in recent years. Scientists are looking for solutions not only mimicking highly versatile locomotion of marine animals but also embedding multiple sensing and actuating functionalities into soft materials that enable adaptability to the environment. More importantly, soft robotic technologies hold great promises for biomedical applications including wearable, prosthetic robots, and miniaturized surgical devices.

In this collection at Nature Communications and Communications Materials, we aim to bring together cutting-edge soft robotics research crossing multidisciplinary areas. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Tactile/flexible sensors for soft robotic applications
  • Fluid-driven/magnetic-driven soft robot
  • Pneumatic muscles
  • Soft gripper/walker/jumper/swimmer
  • Origami robot
  • Biomedical applications of soft robot

We welcome the submissions of primary research that fall into any of the above-mentioned categories. All the submissions will be subject to the same peer review process and editorial standard as regular Nature Communications and Communications Materials articles.

Demonstration of the multi-layered ATACT patches on the chameleon model. Inset is a real chameleon with full coloring.



Integration and Application

Actuation and Control