
Play and playfulness

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Play can be defined as spontaneous, repeated behaviour without any obvious function that is performed in a low-stress setting. While play behaviours may be similar to functional behaviours like fighting or hunting, they differ in their context or structure. Play may be solitary or social, depending on the circumstances, and involve those in all age groups. Play is critical to the development of motor, cognitive, language, emotional, and social skills. Playfulness as a personality trait varies across individuals and has been linked to wellbeing and psychological resourcefulness.

This Collection will bring together primary research articles on all aspects of play and playfulness, including their psychological, anthropological, sociological, historical and cultural basis.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 4 - Quality Education

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Grandchildren having fun at home while playing with their grandparents


Francesca Giovanna Maria Gastaldi is a Researcher in Developmental Psychology at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin. Dr Gastaldi’s research interests include the study of emotional-affective processes in the formal education - preschool and primary school - contexts, with a focus on the teacher-pupil relationship, and the study of socio-cultural processes in educational contexts. Additional lines of research involve the investigation of social interaction and learning processes in situations of personal vulnerability and victimisation in school contexts.

Prospective authors may contact the Guest Editor via email:

Dr Francesca Giovanna Maria Gastaldi