Obituaries in 2018

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  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • John M. G. Hunt
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • James Stevenson
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Janet M. Heath
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Christopher Holmgren
    • Patrizia Di Caccamo
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ.

    • Ralph A. Followell
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Eddie Crouch
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Edgar Gordon
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • J. Murray
    • J. M. Thomason
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ.

    • Pamela Stephenson
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Stanley Gelbier
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Barry Clayton
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • John Sandham
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Richard Watt
    • Habib Benzian
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Janet Hornby née Jameson
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 400 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Margaret Williams
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Peter Adeline
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • R. A. Dendy
    • M. J. Trenouth
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Anne Downer
    • Caroline Drugan
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Andrew Sadler
  • Obituaries should be submitted by email to Jonathan Coe at All submitted obituaries should be 450 words maximum in length (apart from obituaries for past presidents of the BDA where the length should be 800 words). Content of the obituary is down to the individual author, and the approval of the family should be given for the obituary prior to submission to the BDJ

    • Stuart Robson
    • Jim Ralph