Questions and answers for dental nurses (2nd edition)

  • C. Hollins
Blackwell £16.99 ISBN: 9781405148313 | ISBN: 978-1-4051-4831-3

This publication is designed to be used as a companion to the course textbooks for the National Certificate and the NVQ. It spans over 230 pages and includes over 700 questions within 16 sections covering a wide range of subjects, from anatomy and physiology to medical emergencies to health and safety to working with patients.

Larger than the first edition, this book has an even more reader friendly layout.

A helpful introduction clearly explains how to use the book, with instructions provided on how to answer the different types of questions contained with each section. The introduction offers the reader some useful advice about studying and using the book in preparation for their dental nurse examination and contains a glossary.

Each chapter consists of questions and answers including multiple choice questions, short answer questions, diagrams and essay questions. The inclusion of diagrams and tables within the text has greatly enhanced this popular text. Multiple choice questions are clearly laid out and the answers are provided in a clear and consistent way not only indicating the wrong answer but also explaining why it is wrong. This is a particularly useful feature which will help the student to extend their knowledge.

Chapters relevant to the six areas of the Access to Registration Training (ART) are clearly identified for the reader.

An appendix for students working towards the NVQ independent assessment has been included and is a valuable addition. The NVQ independent examination is the compulsory written aspect of the NVQ level 3 for dental nurses, with a mark of 65% being achieved in each section to gain qualification. The examination is set in three parts with each section covering certain parts of the syllabus.

This book is a valuable resource for those working towards qualification and registration. The text also works well as a reference for those returning to work following a break or requiring a refresher. The format of each chapter allows the reader to dip in and out of subjects as required, to test the knowledge they have gained from their studies. It is an invaluable study aid.