79.6% of dentists report having experienced at least one episode of neck or back pain in the immediate past 12 months.1 Recent research in the BMJ clearly shows that dentists have a higher incidence of work-related musculoskeletal (MSK) pain than those in other occupations. The impact on our daily lives can be immense. The pain affects our mobility, limiting our daily activities. It can increase our stress, cause moodiness, and impact our sleep patterns. In addition, lack of mobility can impact family life and force the use of medication.

If you are suffering with lower back or neck pain, there are yoga sequences designed specifically to stretch and relax these areas. Try this series of yoga poses any time your back needs a little extra love: 1. Cat and Cow pose, 2. Bridge pose, 3. Big Toe pose, 4. Child's pose, 5. Downward facing dog.

To get your teeth into yoga and truly alleviate your neck and back issues get in touch with Mash at www.mashyoga.com. He offers a variety of support mechanisms including group webinars, 1-1 Skype sessions or 1-1 yoga sessions (Birmingham), and myofascial release using trigger points.