Wearing a partial denture almost doubles the patient's risk of losing more teeth than non partial wearers.1

Tooth loss can have a profound effect on the lives of patients both physically and emotionally – 45% of patients experience difficulties accepting the loss of their teeth.2

As their trusted dental professional, your advice can have a huge impact on a patient's wellbeing, whilst also helping them to avoid losing more teeth.

What's more, as the population ages, and the chance of wearing a denture increases with age,3 you will be seeing more denture patients on a day-to-day basis. Within the next 35 years, it is expected there will be 2 billion people aged 60+.4 Are you prepared for an increasing number of denture patients in your practice?

Support denture wearers to care for their denture and protect their oral health with the POLIGRIP Partial Wearer Starter Kit. Designed specifically for new partial denture wearers, the kits contain a range of materials to help them through each step of the denture journey.

The kit contains:

  • A guide to starting life with partial dentures' – advice and support for patients considering a denture or requiring tooth extraction

  • A flip chart designed to help you to explain the process to new denture patients, with helpful illustrations and graphs

  • Discreet wash bags each containing advice for the first few days with a new denture, denture bath and brush, product samples and a money off coupon.

Request your FREE kits now while stocks last at www.gsk-dentalprofessionals.co.uk.