The General Dental Council (GDC) says that it fully accepts the findings of the latest review of its performance,1 published on 27 June 2014 by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA), and has put in place measures to tackle the problems identified.

The GDC is pleased that it has met all the Standards of Good Regulation for standards and guidance and education and training but recognises that it is not acceptable to have failed to meet six standards in fitness to practise (FtP) and two in registration.

Chief Executive and Registrar of the GDC, Evlynne Gilvarry said: 'We regard failure to meet the PSA's standards as entirely unacceptable and all our efforts are focused on tackling the problems. We have increased resources to deal with the continuing surge in caseload and made other key changes to improve the performance of our teams.'

GDC Chair Bill Moyes said: 'The number one priority of the new Council is to ensure our fitness to practise function has the resources it needs to deliver an efficient and effective complaints process. [...] We are pleased that we have been granted an S60 Order to enable the introduction of case examiners to bring us in line with other regulators.'