
Gane S, Georganakis D et al. PLoS ONE 2013; 8: e55780

The vibration theory of olfaction would be supported if a deuterated version of a compound (increasing atomic mass and thereby altering its vibrational modes) smelt different from the same compound without this isotope. Luca Turin, 'The Emperor of Scent' who popularised the vibration theory and who is joint investigator in this study, has reported that a fruit fly was 'able to recognize the presence of deuterium in odorant isotopomer'. Nevertheless, Turin's vibration theory has been embroiled in controversy with some referring it to as 'giddy and overwrought'. This present study found that 'trained' human subjects could distinguish between deuterated and undeuterated musk odorants purified to GC-pure standard. The interaction between smell and taste is discussed in the following paper (Oral Dis 2011; 17: 2–6).