
Hilgenberg PB, Saldanha ADD et al. J Oral Rehabil 2012; 39: 239–244

Temporomandibular disorders and otologic symptoms were quantified in 100 subjects with tinnitus and 100 control subjects without tinnitus. The investigators concede that 84% of the subjects in the tinnitus group were women. It is assumed that women were easier to recruit as a higher proportion of females suffer from tinnitus. Those with tinnitus had significantly more TMD, pain and were categorised as 'more depressed' (measured using Symptom Check List-90, which strictly measures psychological distress). As a consequence of sampling bias for which there was no correction, it can only be concluded from this study that the association between tinnitus and TMD applies to women. The investigators suggest the 'annoyance caused by tinnitus overwrites the TMD'. In addition, other authors are cited who suggest that TMD could be a 'factor for the development of tinnitus'.