Invisible ceramic esthetic restorations S. Kina, A. Bruguera. UK: Scion price £215.00; pp 420 ISBN


This book is described by the publisher as a 'remarkable book which combines cutting-edge dental techniques with the production values of the finest art books'. Initially I was sceptical; however, I am pleased to report that it is indeed true.

The first chapters discuss beauty and aesthetics but the bulk of the book is essentially clinically based, covering all the stages in the provision of a ceramic restoration. This includes a detailed chapter on 'Light & Colour' and a chapter on 'Dental Ceramics' that summarises quite well the different systems available. Later chapters discuss tooth preparation, aesthetic post preparation, impression taking and resin cements. This book, by its own admission, is not a comprehensive manual of all ceramic restorations and techniques available. The author generally describes all the options but mainly focuses on the system or technique they use and demonstrates the high quality results achieved. Take for example, the discussion of the 'molding' techniques; they only discuss their preferred method, which is 'The single step molding technique and double mixture associated with the gingival retraction technique using double wire'.

The production quality of this book really is outstanding. There are over 1,750 clinical pictures, demonstrating a high level of clinical photographical skill. Furthermore, there are numerous complete clinical cases discussed that help to illustrate each topic. The ceramic systems used in the clinical cases are: IPS Empress 2, IPS e.max Press, IPS e.max Ceram, IPS Empress Esthetic, IPS d.Sign, IPS e.max ZirCad, In- Ceram Alumina, Procera Alumina, Procera Laminate Alumina, NobelRondo Alumina and Procera Zirconia.

The book is well translated with less than a handful of minor errors.

Finally, who would I recommend this book for? With a retail price of over £200 this is a significant investment. This book is mainly aimed at the 'high end' private dentist or restorative specialist. Saying that, however, this book is useful for all dentists who provide indirect restorations or dental technicians involved in their construction. I picked up several techniques and tips that I will be using in my clinical practice. This book would also be ideal for demonstrating a procedure to a patient by showing 'before and after' photographs as well as step-by-step stages for several clinical situations. However, with the superb quality of the dental work shown, care would have to be taken in not giving patients' unobtainably high expectations.