Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion (6th edition)

  • J. P. Okeson
UK: Mosby price £57.99; pp 640 ISBN 9780323046145 | ISBN: 978-0-3230-4614-5

Published by Mosby Elsevier, this is the sixth edition of this title which is aimed at presenting 'a logical and practical approach to the study of occlusion and masticatory function'. The author is an experienced clinician and researcher in occlusion, temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain.

The book is split into four parts which cover 20 chapters and 631 pages. Part 1 is concerned with the normal anatomical and physiologic features of the masticatory system. The author emphasises the need to understand normal function before dysfunction can be appreciated. Part 2 covers the aetiology and identification of disturbances in the masticatory system. This includes a detailed chapter in obtaining a full history and performing a thorough clinical examination. Part 3 discusses treatment options for muscular, temporomandibular joint, and growth disorders. The focus is mainly on conservative and cost-effective management, and little is mentioned of the surgical measures available. Part 4 presents the indications and uses of permanent occlusal therapy. It focuses on the use of articulators, selective grinding and restorative considerations.

This textbook is very detailed and well referenced with suggestions for further reading on specific matters. The author provides a personal touch and passes on his valuable experience by including case reports. Line drawings and photographs make an important contribution to the understanding of the text, however, these are not in colour. The appendix contains algorithms which provide an easy to use guide to management when quick reference is required. As a whole, this is a specialised text and I would recommend it as an addition to a departmental library, and to specialists involved in the management of patients with orofacial pain.