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Autonomous 3D positional control of a magnetic microrobot using reinforcement learning


Magnetic microrobots have shown promise in the field of biomedical engineering, facilitating precise drug delivery, non-invasive diagnosis and cell-based therapy. Current techniques for controlling the motion of such microrobots rely on the assumption of homogenous magnetic fields and are significantly influenced by a microrobot’s properties and surrounding environment. These strategies lack a sense of generality and adaptability when changing the environment or microrobot and exhibit a moderate delay due to independent control of the electromagnetic actuation system and microrobot’s position. To address these issues, we propose a machine learning-based positional control of magnetic microrobots via gradient fields generated by electromagnetic coils. We use reinforcement learning and a gradual training approach to control the three-dimensional position of a microrobot within a defined working area by directly managing the coil currents. We develop a simulation environment for initial exploration to reduce the overall training time. After simulation training, the learning process is transferred to a physical electromagnetic actuation system that reflects real-world intricacies. We compare our method to conventional proportional-integral-derivative control; our system is more accurate and efficient. The proposed method was combined with path planning algorithms to allow fully autonomous control. The presented approach is an alternative to complex mathematical models, which are sensitive to variations in microrobot design, the environment and the nonlinearity of magnetic systems.

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Fig. 1: RL-based magnetic MR navigation.
Fig. 2: Evaluation and training results in the simulation environment.
Fig. 3: RL agent retraining using the EAS.
Fig. 4: Comparison between our method and use of a PID controller for closed-loop control.
Fig. 5: Navigation of the MR in the brain vessel phantom.
Fig. 6: Fully autonomous control of an MR in various environments.

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Data availability

No public or custom dataset was used for this study. All the data required to replicate the results of this study are given in the main article, Supplementary Information and the GitHub repository.

Code availability

All the data were processed using custom codes. Custom codes along with source code for the simulation environment are available at the GitHub repository: (ref. 71).


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Funding: this work was financially supported by the National Convergence Research of Scientific Challenges through the National Research Foundation of Korea and the DGIST R&D Program (grant nos. 2021M3F7A1082275 and 23-CoE-BT-02) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. S.P. and B.J.N. thank the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 952152, project ANGIE (magnetically steerable wireless nanodevices for the targeted delivery of therapeutic agents in any vascular region of the body) for kindly supporting our research.

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Authors and Affiliations



S.A.A. and H.C. conceived the idea. S.A.A., A.A. and S.K. designed the experiments. S.A.A. wrote the code, integrated the physical and simulation setup, and performed the experiments. S.A.A. and H.C. worked on the analysis of data. S.N. characterized the MR. N.L.G. and A.A. contributed to the hardware setup. A.M.M.B.C. and S.K. helped with the revision of the manuscript. S.A.A., A.A., S.N., N.L.G., J.-Y.K., S.P., B.J.N. and H.C. contributed to the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Hongsoo Choi.

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Nature Machine Intelligence thanks the anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Camera feeds for trajectories, fluid flow, and mean episode reward.

a and b, Camera feeds for the trajectories of Fig. 3. c, Flow imparted by the peristaltic pump. d, Mean episode reward after training in fluid flow.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Camera feeds for trajectories of path planning and dynamic obstacle avoidance.

a, Camera feeds for trajectories in Fig. 6b. b, Camera feed for trajectories in Fig. 6c. c and d, camera feed at different intervals for dynamic obstacle avoidance in Fig. 6h and i, respectively.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Figs. 1–11 and Table 1.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Video 1

Simulation environment evaluation.

Supplementary Video 2

3D position control training in simulation.

Supplementary Video 3

3D position control training in EAS.

Supplementary Video 4

Magnetic microrobot navigation in open space via RL.

Supplementary Video 5

Dynamic fluid flow environment, training and navigation.

Supplementary Video 6

Comparison between navigation with PID and RL.

Supplementary Video 7

Navigation in MCA phantom.

Supplementary Video 8

Path planning and navigation of the magnetic microrobot.

Supplementary Video 9

Navigation around dynamic obstacles.

Supplementary Video 10

Training and navigation of DMR.

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Abbasi, S.A., Ahmed, A., Noh, S. et al. Autonomous 3D positional control of a magnetic microrobot using reinforcement learning. Nat Mach Intell 6, 92–105 (2024).

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