Correction to: Nature Metabolism Published online 20 March 2023.

In the version of this article originally published, the surname and given name of Ferenc Torma were transposed and the middle initial of Andrey V. Kozlov was missing. In addition, an incorrect affiliation (Enterosys SAS) was shown for Adelheid Weidinger; the correct affiliation is Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Traumatology, The Research Center in Cooperation with AUVA, Vienna, Austria. Anoop Kavirayani was incorrectly linked to Division of Anatomy, Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology and Medical Imaging Cluster (MIC), instead of to VBCF, Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities, Vienna BioCenter, Vienna, Austria. Andrey Kozlov was incorrectly linked to a second affiliation (Enterosys SAS), as was Vincent Jacquemond (INSERM U1220 Institut de Recherche en Santé Digestive, CHU Purpan, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier Toulouse). Marica Bakovic’s affiliation was shown as Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) instead of Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.