
Molecular diffusion underlies vital cellular processes1,2,3,4. The diffusion coefficient D, a metric of how fast molecules diffuse, is a function of both the molecular size and intracellular parameters such as viscosity and intermolecular interactions. This correlation between diffusion and intracellular parameters has led to the use of D as a reporter of intracellular (micro)environments to correlate dynamic properties with structures.

Many fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed to probe diffusion at different spatiotemporal scales. Traditional approaches such as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)4 and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)3,5,6,7,8 offer limited capabilities for spatial mapping, and often encounter background and calibration challenges when applied to biological samples. Single-particle tracking (SPT)9,10,11,12,13 provides high spatial-resolution measurements for molecular diffusion, and with recent developments integrating photoactivation and related concepts from single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), has substantially increased the density of single molecules that can be tracked in the sample9,11. However, SPT aims at obtaining long single-particle tracks, from which the D-value of each particle is calculated. The need to track the same particle over many consecutive frames limits the application to photostable particles consistently bound to the target, e.g., lipid membranes, while also limiting the spatial mapping capabilities9,11,14.

We recently developed single-molecule displacement/diffusivity mapping (SMdM), which focuses on detecting the transient motion/velocity of single molecules across tandem camera frames under frame-synchronized stroboscopic illumination15. By eliminating the need to track long trajectories, the approach works well for unbound fluorescent proteins in the cell15 and dye molecules dynamically entering and leaving lipid membranes16. The accumulation of many transient displacements over different frames further enables local statistics17 and D mapping. The need for frame-synchronized stroboscopic illumination, however, limits the adaptation of this technique. Moreover, each molecule needs to be successfully captured in two consecutive frames and correctly paired to yield a useful measurement, limiting the possible throughput.

Here we report a strategy, pixels-to-diffusivity (Pix2D), to directly extract D-values from single-molecule images recorded under typical SMLM conditions. We reason that for diffusing molecules, images recorded at a fixed camera framerate are the convolution of their motion trajectories and the microscope point spread function (PSF), with the faster-moving molecules exhibiting stronger motion blurs. Whereas such information may not directly yield a meaningful D-value for each molecule due to the stochastic nature of diffusion, accumulating many molecules over different frames may enable spatial binning for local analysis17 and thus D mapping at the super-resolution level. Although previous work has extracted D from single-molecule images18,19,20, a global D-value is obtained for each sample without spatial mapping, and the model-based fitting approach is susceptible to experimental factors such as camera pixelation effects and backgrounds.

In this work, we seize the rising opportunities of modern machine-learning approaches to directly link single-molecule images to D-values without assuming any models, and we further achieve super-resolution mapping. Recent years have witnessed the fast growth of machine learning in single-molecule microscopy21, with applications ranging from the enhancement of localization22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 and tracking34,35,36 to the characterization of diffusive modes and properties37,38,39,40. In a previous study, we demonstrated the use of neural networks to connect single-molecule images to their color and depth information, thus enabling two-color three-dimensional SMLM25. Here we construct a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to connect stacks of single-molecule images to D-values. Spatially binning single-molecule images accumulated from many frames further enables local image stacks to be used as inputs for the model to generate D maps at the super-resolution level.


Construction of diffusivity-mapping CNNs

We constructed a CNN architecture that maps single-molecule images to D-values. As discussed, an individual single-molecule image does not provide a meaningful readout for D. Thus, we built a CNN model that took a stack of uncorrelated single-molecule images as the input and predicted a D-value as the output. Following the design principles of ResNet41, a seminal work in deep neural network architectures, we designed the CNN model stacking multiple convolutional layers, a fully connected layer, and the final regression layer (Supplementary Fig. 1). Each convolutional building block entailed a convolutional layer with a kernel size of 3, a batch normalization layer42, and Swish activation43. Whereas ResNet uses the ReLU44 activation function, we employed the Swish activation function for our regression task. A relatively shallow CNN model was implemented to avoid overfitting.

Here we focus on diffusion in a two-dimensional system, so that single-molecule motion blurs are not further convoluted with off-focusing. For training, single-molecule images were generated by mapping simulated two-dimensional Brownian trajectories (Fig. 1a and Methods) to pixelized intensities using the PSF profile of our microscope setup (Fig. 1b). To match typical experimental settings, simulations were performed for a pixel size of 160 nm and an exposure time of 9 ms per frame. The input was a stack (nch channels) of uncorrelated single-molecule images cropped at 7 × 7 pixels (Fig. 1c). Training (Fig. 1d) was performed on a dataset augmented with different molecule brightnesses and backgrounds (see below), with each diffusivity label containing hundreds of such stacks as the training inputs (Methods).

Fig. 1: Pix2D CNN training and implementation.
figure 1

a Examples of simulated Brownian trajectories for D = 1, 3, and 5 µm2/s for a camera exposure time of 9 ms. b Mapping of simulated trajectories to pixelized images using the microscope point spread function profile and a pixel size of 160 nm. 400 independent trajectories were initially generated for every D-value in the range of 0–6 µm2/s at a 0.05 µm2/s spacing. c As CNN training input, for each D label, hundreds of stacks of nch simulated images, each sampled as 7 × 7 pixels, were initially selected per diffusivity label. d The training data were then augmented via domain randomization, in which multiple image sets were created through identical processes as in ac, but with different combinations of noise levels and photon counts. The CNN model was then trained with the augmented data. eh Implementation of Pix2D diffusivity spatial mapping. Single-molecule signals from the raw image sequence were localized and spatially binned with a fixed grid size (f is a zoom-in of the boxed region in e). g For each bin, m = 100 permutations of nch single-molecule images were each fed to the trained model. The resultant m predicted D-values were averaged to give the diffusivity of the bin. h The results of different spatial bins were color-coded to generate a spatial map.

For spatial mapping of diffusivity, single-molecule images (Fig. 1e) were first localized in each frame via centroid fitting. A region of interest (ROI) of 7 × 7 pixels was sampled around the center of each localized molecule, and molecules with overlapping ROIs were discarded. The localized molecules, accumulated from many frames, were then spatially binned onto a fine grid (~100 nm) (Fig. 1f), so that each bin had a pool (pi for bin i) of single-molecule images. For every bin satisfying pi > 10, m = 100 inputs, each with the same dimensionality as the training data—thus 100 different 7 × 7 × nch arrays—were generated by random sampling from the pi images for feeding into the model (Fig. 1g). The resultant 100 outputs from the model were averaged to yield the diffusivity of the bin. The results of different spatial bins were then color-coded to generate a spatial map (Fig. 1h).

Performance of Pix2D

Figure 2a shows the model prediction results with nch = 40, using evaluation data not included in the training data. To avoid biases due to capping at the upper bound of the training range, here we trained the model with D = 0–6 µm2/s data, and applied it to evaluate data generated with D of 0–5 µm2/s. Statistics of the Pix2D results on 400 evaluation inputs at each diffusivity yielded averages (Fig. 2a, black dots) well following the ground truth (Fig. 2a, red line), and the relative errors, %Error = (E – T)/T S × 100%, with E and T respectively being the Pix2D-evaluated and ground-truth D-values, showed typical standard deviations of ~12% (Fig. 2a shaded areas and Fig. 2b).

Fig. 2: Performance assessment for Pix2D CNN.
figure 2

a Validation of the trained CNN using simulated data not included in the training, for input channel size nch = 40. For each D-value, evaluations were performed for 400 sets of nch images, and the average value and standard deviation were plotted as a black marker and the shaded area, respectively. Red line: reference (evaluation equaling the ground truth). b Distributions of relative errors (%Error) for training labels of D = 2 and 4 µm2/s. c Standard deviations of %Error for D = 1, 2, 3, and 4 µm2/s for different counts of starting single-molecule images (pi), but fixed nch = 40. Red dashed line: trend based on MLE analysis of the distribution of single-molecule step distances. d Spatial mapping of simulated data. (Left) Ground truths of simulated patterns with spatially varied D-values. (Right) Pix2D mapping results at a binning grid size of 120 nm, so that each bin counted ~200 simulated single-molecule images. e Line profiles in three rows of the Pix2D mapping results along the black boxes in d. Dashed line: reference line of ground truth diffusivity. f Distribution of the %Error of Pix2D results in the different spatial bins, for all bins in d.

We next examined how the relative standard error depends on the data size. Comparing the model evaluation results with different nch and pi values in the range of 20-160 (Supplementary Fig. 2) indicated that the final precision depends only on the latter, namely, the count of starting single-molecule images. Thus, the choice of nch was non-critical, and we found the nch = 40 and m = 100 combination we used practical. Plotting the relative standard errors as a function of pi showed a monotonic decrease for an increased single-molecule count (Fig. 2c). We have recently shown that with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) based on the distribution of step distances, the relative standard error in D equals to the inverse square root of the count of step distances45. For the same number of single-molecule images, the Pix2D standard errors were consistently ~2-fold lower (Fig. 2c). This behavior is reasonable, considering that in Pix2D, each single-molecule image directly encodes motion in two dimensions, whereas for approaches based on the analysis of step distances, each step needs two single-molecule images, and each connected single-step displacement is along one direction.

Spatial diffusivity mapping of simulated data

To examine the performances of Pix2D for diffusivity mapping, we simulated spatial patterns, e.g., square and circular shapes ~1 µm in size with contrasting regional D-values of 2 and 4 µm2/s (Fig. 2d, left). Single-molecule trajectories were simulated by randomly selecting the starting positions of the molecules and then updating D at every micro-step based on their new positions. The simulated single molecules were localized and spatially binned into a 120 nm × 120 nm grid, so that the resultant counts of molecules were ~200 per bin, comparable to the typical experimental super-resolution imaging data. Single-molecule images in each bin were then processed and fed into the model described above for diffusivity mapping (Fig. 2d, right). We thus showed that our approach correctly mapped out spatial differences in diffusivity. Line profiles crossing the diffusion pattern boundaries showed sharp transitions in the mapped D-values (Fig. 2e), so that full transitions were accomplished within ~2 bins (~240 nm). Relative errors to the ground truths were <10% for most bins for the entire images (Fig. 2f).

D mapping of experimental data on supported lipid bilayers

To apply the above model trained with simulated datasets to experimental single-molecule images, we first augmented the training data to deal with two potentially highly variable parameters, the brightness of molecules and background noise. We adapted domain randomization46 to achieve performance invariant toward these two parameters. Multiple training datasets were generated from combinations of different photon counts and background noise levels when mapping the diffusion trajectories to images. The ranges of these parameters were set to mimic the typical distributions of single-molecule brightness and background of wide-field single-molecule images. The resultant model performed robustly for different combinations of parameters both covered (Supplementary Fig. 3) and not covered (Supplementary Fig. 4) in the augmentation.

Experimental single-molecule images were obtained with a typical SMLM setup for BDP-TMR-alkyne, which reversibly intercalated into supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) to report the lateral diffusivity of the membrane16. Single-molecule images (Fig. 3a) were collected with an exposure time of 9 ms per frame under typical SMLM conditions for SLBs prepared from pure 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) and mixtures of DOPC:bSM (brain sphingomyelin) 1:1 (mol%) and DOPC:bSM:cholesterol 1:1:1 (mol%). The localized single-molecule images were processed through Pix2D to generate diffusivity maps. Each spatially homogeneous, yet separately distinct diffusion coefficients were thus visualized for the three SLBs (Fig. 3b). Statistics of the evaluation results of different spatial bins yielded D = 3.21 ± 0.45, 2.48 ± 0.46, and 1.09 ± 0.28 µm2/s, respectively, for the three SLBs (Fig. 3c). These values are comparable to previously reported results, in which D ~3-4, ~2–3, and ~1 µm2/s are reported for similar DOPC, DOPC:bSM, and DOPC:bSM:cholesterol SLBs at room temperature47,48. We also performed single-particle tracking12,13 on the data, but found most molecules only stayed in the SLB for a few frames (Supplementary Fig. 5), as is typical in PAINT-type SMLM49. Mean squared displacement (MSD) analysis on the occasionally observed long traces (Supplementary Fig. 6) yielded the same trends for the three SLBs, consistent with the notion that diffusion is slower in the more densely packed phases containing saturated lipids and cholesterol47,48.

Fig. 3: Pix2D applied to experimental data on single molecules diffusing in supported lipid bilayers (SLBs).
figure 3

a Example wide-field single-molecule images collected at an exposure time of 9 ms per frame, for BDP-TMR-alkyne diffusing in SLBs of different compositions: DOPC only, DOPC:bSM 1:1 (mol%), and DOPC:bSM:cholesterol 1:1:1 (mol%). b Color-coded D maps of the three samples generated by spatially binning the single-molecule images accumulated over 30,000 frames onto a 320 nm × 320 nm grid, and then feeding the resultant ~200 single-molecule images in each bin into the Pix2D CNN for evaluation of local D. c Distributions of the evaluated D-values in each bin for the three samples, corresponding to 3.21 ± 0.45, 2.48 ± 0.46, and 1.09 ± 0.28 µm2/s, respectively.

D mapping of microdomains in supported lipid bilayers

To further assess mapping capabilities, we prepared SLBs with spatially separated domains. With a 60:40 mixture of DOPC and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), we generated SLBs in which DOPC and DPPC respectively segregated into the fluid and gel phases at room temperature50. SMLM super-resolution images (Fig. 4a) of BDP-TMR-alkyne single molecules collected at an exposure time of 9 ms per frame showed contrasting localization densities for the DOPC and DPPC domains, as the higher packing order of aliphatic chains of the gel phase DPPC limited fluorophore access51. This difference in localization density disappeared upon melting of the DPPC domains at high temperatures (Supplementary Fig. 7). Binning the accumulated single-molecule images with a 120 nm × 120 nm grid allowed mapping of local D with Pix2D (Fig. 4b). Contrasting D was thus unveiled for the two lipid phases. Temporally dividing the collected single-molecule data into two periods of 3.4-min durations for their separate Pix2D evaluations further yielded D maps comparable to the entire dataset (Supplementary Fig. 8), thus demonstrating that the diffusivity spatial patterns remained unchanged over the recording time.

Fig. 4: Pix2D D mapping of SLB microdomains.
figure 4

a SMLM super-resolution image of an SLB of 60:40 DOPC:DPPC, presented as the local counts of single BDP-TMR-alkyne molecules recorded over 45,000 frames at 110 frames per second with an exposure time of 9 ms per frame. b Color-coded D map generated by spatially binning the single-molecule images onto a 120 nm × 120 nm grid for the Pix2D evaluation of local D. c Zoom-in of the solid box-marked region in a, b. d Two-dimensional distribution of the Pix2D-evaluated D versus single-molecule count for the different spatial bins in the dashed box-marked region in a, b.

Comparison of the Pix2D D map (Fig. 4b) with the SMLM image (Fig. 4a) showed good correlations: The high-count regions (DOPC phase) consistently exhibited high D of ~3.2 µm2/s, close to our above results on the single-component DOPC SLB (Fig. 3). Meanwhile, the low-count regions (DPPC phase) exhibited D < ~0.5 µm2/s, consistent with the notion that this gel phase is nonfluidic at room temperature. Notably, features down to ~300 nm were well-resolved in the Pix2D D map (Fig. 4c), in agreement with our simulation results (Fig. 2d, e). Distribution of the evaluated local D-values in each spatial bin versus the count of molecules in the bin further showed a good correlation that fast diffusion was exclusively observed for the high-count DOPC phase (Fig. 4d).


While critical to biological processes, molecular diffusion has been difficult to quantify, and spatial mapping of local diffusivity is even more challenging. In this work, we exploited the often undesired yet evident motion blur of single-molecule images, recorded under typical SMLM conditions, to extract diffusion coefficient D and further enable spatial mapping. Many recent efforts have successfully applied machine learning to single-molecule images in SMLM contexts to assist three-dimensional localization and color separation, as well as to extract optical parameters such as the Zernike coefficients and fluorescent backgrounds21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 In this study, we instead focused on extracting higher-dimensional, functional information52 on molecular diffusion from the single-molecule images.

Different from previous machine-learning studies in which the parameters in question are directly projected to single-molecule images with a fixed pattern, the stochastic nature of diffusion mandates that even for a fixed D-value, the diffusion trajectory of a molecule in a fixed time window (and thus motion blur) takes diverse forms not unique to the given D. Thus, rather than attempting to assign a D-value to each single-molecule image, we constructed a model that took a stack (nch~40 channels) of uncorrelated single-molecule images as the input and evaluated a D-value as the output. For input data of different numbers of single-molecule images, m~100 sets of nch samplings were separately fed into the model, and the averaged output of the m datasets was taken as the final D-value. This model architecture of fixed channel numbers simplified implementation, while the m-time sampling provided flexibility for the number of source single-molecule images. These advantages proved instrumental to spatial mapping: we thus were able to spatially grid all the collected single-molecule images and separately fed the images in each spatial bin to the CNN model to evaluate local D, without having to worry about the different counts of molecules in each bin.

With simulated data of known ground truths, we thus showed that our above Pix2D approach correctly extracted D from single-molecule image stacks. With 40 source single-molecule images, the typical relative standard error σerror was ~12% over a wide D range, and the evaluation results were robust towards different brightness and background noise levels. This evaluation error was ~2-fold better than that based on the MLE analysis of single-molecule step distances, and decreased monotonically for increased numbers of single-molecule images with little dependence on nch.

With experimental data on BDP-TMR-alkyne single molecules that dynamically entered SLBs and stayed for short durations, we next showed that Pix2D successfully resolved the different diffusivities for bilayers of different lipid compositions, with the resulting D-value trends matching that expected based on previous bulk measurements. For the phase-separated DOPC-DPPC mixture system, we further demonstrated that Pix2D resolved the different D-values in the two phases at the nanoscale.

Together, by directly linking stacks of uncorrelated single-molecule images to diffusivity, we have successfully extracted D-values from both simulated and experimental data, and further achieved spatial mapping under SMLM settings. Whereas with phase-separated SLBs we have resolved spatial patterns in the environment, the capability of detecting local diffusivities may also be harnessed to report on changes in the states of the diffusers themselves, e.g., oligomerizations and conformational changes. While in this work we have focused on the direct extraction of diffusivity from single-molecule images in individual frames, future efforts may consider connecting molecules spanning consecutive frames to further enhance prediction. The possible extension of the approaches developed in this work to diffusion in three dimensions, as well as to other high-dimensional single-molecule signal dimensions17, represent additional exciting challenges.


Data simulation

For training and test data, single-molecule images were generated from Monte Carlo two-dimensional Brownian diffusion simulation. For each molecule, a Brownian trajectory of 9 ms was simulated through 1000 micro-steps of random two-dimensional motion of distance \(\sqrt{4{Dt}}\) using the local diffusion coefficient \(D\) and the simulation interval \(t\). The simulated trajectory was mapped onto the pixelized image grid using typical photon counts of 60-120 photons per ms and the microscope PSF profile experimentally determined using 100-nm fluorescence beads. Background noise was further added to each pixel based on the typical values observed with the recording camera.

Model architecture, training, and application

The Pix2D CNN model was designed to take a stack (nch channels) of single-molecule images, each cropped at 7 × 7 pixels, as the input, and predict a D-value as the output. The architecture stacked multiple convolutional layers, a fully connected layer, and the final regression layer (Supplementary Fig. 1). The final prediction was computed by a fully connected layer, followed by a regression layer that calculated the mean square error (MSE) losses between the predicted values and the ground truth labels. Design methodologies of ResNet41 were partially followed, so that the building blocks entailed a convolutional layer with a kernel size of 3, Swish activations43, and batch normalization layers42. As we performed regression for predicting continuous D-values, we used Swish activation instead of the ReLU activation used in the original ResNet model. The training dataset was constructed for 121 labels of diffusion coefficients, from 0 to 6 μm2/s in 0.05 μm2/s intervals. For each diffusion coefficient label, 100 training inputs of nch = 40 simulated 7 × 7 pixels single-molecule images were used. Therefore, the training dataset had 12,100 inputs of the dimension of 7 × 7 × 40, for which we further augmented 20 combinations of single-molecule brightnesses and image backgrounds. Further increasing the training dataset size did not further improve the prediction accuracy. The training objective was the MSE loss between the predicted diffusivity and the target diffusivity using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with momentum as the optimizer. Training was performed over 60 epochs with a batch size of 128, and an initial learning rate of 0.003. The learning rate was decreased by 10x after every 25 epochs. To apply the trained CNN model, m = 100 datasets, each with the same dimensionality as the training data—thus m different 7 × 7 × nch arrays—were generated by random sampling from the pi input images for feeding into the model. For bins having pi < nch, each input is generated by allowing repeated sampling of each image, yet limiting the repetition to the minimum integer j satisfying the following condition: j  × pi > nch. The resultant m outputs from the model were averaged to yield the final diffusivity. Negative final values were treated as zero for physical relevance.

SLB preparation

Lipids (Avanti Polar Lipids 850375, 850355, and 860062) and cholesterol (Sigma, C8667) were dissolved in chloroform as 5 mg/mL stock solutions. The lipid mixture was combined in a 25-mL round bottom flask with the desired ratio from the stock solution. The solvent was removed under a stream of nitrogen gas. The resulting lipid film was rehydrated in 60 °C Milli-Q water and vortexed to a final concentration of 1 mg/mL multi-lamellar vesicle (MLV) solution. The MLV solution was then extruded at 60 °C over 11 times through a 100 nm polycarbonate membrane filter (Avanti Mini Extruder) to form small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs). The SUV solution was diluted in a 2:1:1 mixture of PBS (phosphate-buffered saline):H2O:SUV and sonicated until deposited on a piranha-etched coverslip. Excess, unruptured vesicles were removed after 20 min by washing with PBS. 1 nM of BDP-TMR-alkyne (A24B0, Lumiprobe) in PBS was used for the single-molecule imaging of SLBs.

Single-molecule imaging

Fluorescence imaging was performed on a Nikon Ti-E inverted fluorescence microscope. A 561 nm laser (OBIS 561 LS, Coherent, 165 mW) was focused at the back focal plane of an oil-immersion objective lens (Nikon CFI Plan Apochromat λ 100×, numerical aperture 1.45) to continuously illuminate the sample at ~1 kW/cm2. A translation stage shifted the laser beams toward the edge of the objective lens, so the light reached the sample at an incidence angle close to the critical angle of the glass-water interface to achieve a near-total internal reflection condition. Wide-field single-molecule images were filtered by a long-pass filter (ET575lp, Chroma) and a band-pass filter (ET605/70 m, Chroma), and recorded continuously using an EM-CCD camera (iXon Ultra 897, Andor) in the frame-transfer mode at 110 frames per second (fps) with a frame integration time of 9 ms. The typically recorded photon counts were 500–1200 for each BDP-TMR-alkyne molecule. 30,000-50,000 frames were typically recorded for each sample.

Processing of single-molecule images

Single molecules were first identified and localized with established methods using Insight3 (Dr. Bo Huang at University of California, San Francisco, and Dr. Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard University), yielding typical densities of ~0.1 molecules/µm2/frame. An ROI of 7 × 7 pixels was sampled around the center of each localized molecule, and molecules with overlapping ROIs were discarded. The single-molecule images were then spatially binned with a fixed grid size (e.g., 120 nm × 120 nm). For bins having single-molecule count pi > 10, the accumulated single-molecule images were fed into the trained Pix2D model as described above for the evaluation of local D.

Statistics and reproducibility

SLBs of all compositions were replicated multiple times, and each sample was imaged for at least three different field-of-views to confirm global consistency of each condition. Data shown in the current study were arbitrarily selected among replicates.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.