Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 29 July 2022

The original version of this Article contained an error in Figure. 5, where the colors representing “DNA-Deep NGS” and “RNA-Nested NGS” were incorrect. The original Figure. 5 and accompanying legend appear below.

Figure 5
figure 5

Time course for the mutations measured by DNA-DeepNGS and RNA-NestedNGS, and BCR::ABL1 levels present in the most clinically relevant patients. Y-axis represents the value of RNA-NestedNGS VAF corrected by the ratio BCR::ABL1 (green), DNA-DeepNGS VAF (blue) or ratio BCR::ABL1/ABL1 (red). ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Asci asciminib, B bosutinib, CML chronic myeloid leukemia, D dasatinib, I imatinib, N nilotinib, Niv nivolumab, P ponatinib, R relapse, VAF variant allele frequency.

In addition, in the Results section, under the subheading ‘Impact of KD mutations in the clinical outcome of the chronic myeloid leukemia patients’,

“The mutation was detected in mRNA and gDNA with a corrected VAF of 2.0E−4 and 4.0E−4, respectively.”

now reads:

“The mutation was detected in mRNA and gDNA with a corrected VAF of 4.0E−4 and 2.0E−4, respectively.”

The original Article has been corrected.