
Carbon dioxide (CO2), a major greenhouse gas (GHG), concentration has been steadily rising in the atmosphere since the mid-nineteenth century. The global warming due to high levels of GHGs might increase surface temperatures over 1.5 °C above the pre-industrial levels by 20301,2. This accelerated warming is worrisome, as it leads to more frequent and severe extreme events such as heatwaves3,4, floods5,6, and changes in tropical cyclone activity7,8 and rainfall patterns9,10 with devastating economic and environmental consequences11. The atmospheric CO2 levels climbed up to 412 ppm in January 2020, with an average global trend of 2.11 ppm yr−1 during the period 2003–201612,13,14.

A thorough understanding of the dynamics, evolution, fate and human influence on atmospheric CO2 is essential to enact effective carbon mitigation policies. The spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric CO2 show distinct annual, seasonal and latitudinal gradients15. There are substantial differences in CO2 concentrations between continents and oceans, which are dependent on the sources of emissions. Large-scale atmospheric circulations, weather systems and jet streams distribute CO2 around the globe15. Northern Hemisphere (NH) is known for higher levels of atmospheric CO2 than that of the Southern Hemisphere (SH). In NH, seasonal changes in CO2 are primarily driven by the result of metabolic activity of terrestrial plants and soils16. The warmer climate alters the seasonal CO2 cycle17. The effect of rising atmospheric CO2 increases radiative forcing, which leads to higher sea surface temperature (SST)18. These also cause a reduction in surface-to-deep ocean transport of CO2 and a reduction in oceanic carbon, which might increase the concentration of atmospheric CO219.

An oceanic region enclosed by 28 °C or higher SST isotherm is known as a warm pool20. These are the regions with high precipitation, strong atmospheric convection and surface wind convergence21. The warm pool regions of western tropical Pacific Ocean and the tropical Indian Ocean constitute the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP)22. Previous studies suggest that warmer SST in IPWP strengthens the upwelling branch of Hadley circulation and weakens (strengthens) its downwelling branch in NH (SH). Furthermore, due to the rapid warming of Indian Ocean, the westward extension of IPWP shifts the walker circulation westward, which decreases subsidence over eastern Africa and makes the region drier23,24.

IPWP has a significant role in transporting surface emissions to higher altitudes over the tropics. Such a system, which is a source of heat and moisture, prevails throughout the year regardless of seasons in West Pacific and East Indian Ocean (EIO) in the tropics. IPWP shows meridional and zonal variability that can influence global atmospheric circulation, and onset, intensity and duration of climate modes such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)25. As compared to the oscillations of the eastern edge of western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), it is observed that South and North Warm Tongues are dominated by the annual SST cycles and are influenced by the El Niño onset, but East Cold SST Tongue is totally dominated by the El Niño onset and shows no distinct annual cycle26. Yan et al.27 studied the temperature and size variations of WPWP, and found that changes in solar irradiance, ENSO events and global warming could have modified the distribution of SST and the size of IPWP. The warm pool in Indian Ocean has a stronger annual cycle than that of Pacific28. Furthermore, SST in Indian Ocean is rising at a faster rate than in other tropical ocean regions29,30.

During El Niño, warmer than normal subsurface water in the tropical Pacific replaces the cooler CO2-rich water31. It reduces or reverses the CO2 released by tropical oceans and increases the uptake of global-oceanic CO232. For instance, surface measurements show a reduction in CO2 outgassing during the 2015–2016 El Niño event33. Therefore, oceans act as CO2 sink during El Niño and thus, they reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere when the tropical SST is warmer17.

This study is organized as follows: we analyze the anomalously high values of mid-tropospheric CO2 over IPWP using satellite data. We examine possible reasons for the high CO2 region and its radiative forcing. We also investigate the influence of ENSO on the CO2 concentrations in the mid-troposphere. We supplement our analysis using buoy measurements to assess changes in near-surface CO2, which has a critical role in contributing to the high CO2 region.


Global distribution of atmospheric CO2

Figure 1a shows a region of high CO2 concentration between 30° N and 60° N and comparatively lower concentration in the rest of the region. The largest seasonal difference is observed in the 45°–60° N region (3.21 ppm) and lowest in 0°–30° N (1.32 ppm), as shown in Supplementary Figure S1. North America and Europe exhibit the highest CO2 concentration in 45°–60° N, whereas the largest CO2 concentration over Asia is found in 30°–45° N. The highest difference is observed between the regions 30°–60° N and 0°–30° N, with its peak in 2010 (1.81 ppm, Supplementary Figure. S1). There is an increase of 5.8% in global CO2 emissions, with a peak of 33 billion tonnes in 2010 due to the continued growth of developing countries and economic recovery in developed nations34, which is also the reason for the highest difference in 2010.

Figure 1
figure 1

Atmospheric CO2 and Sea Surface Temperature. Annual averaged (a) mid-tropospheric CO2 (b) HadISST Sea Surface Temperature (SST) for the period 2002–2017. SST contours of 28 °C and 29 °C are overlaid. These maps are generated using Cartopy64 0.18.0 (

The average of CO2 over land regions during 2003–2016 is 388.52 ± 0.93 ppm, whereas it is 387.95 ± 1.27 ppm over the oceans. Also, there is a difference of 1.13 ± 0.1 ppm between land regions of the north and south hemispheres, and 0.63 ± 0.06 ppm between the oceans of both hemispheres. Higher emission regions show higher CO2 concentrations (e.g. NH), but lower over the carbon sink regions (e.g. the Atlantic minimum). Note that atmospheric circulation also plays a key role in the redistribution and mixing of CO215. As illustrated in Fig. 1a, the southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans have the low CO2 zones among the regions, which can be attributed to the presence of large carbon sinks, atmospheric subsidence and absence of CO2 sources there12. The anomaly between the global ocean CO2 and low CO2 regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans shows differences larger than 1 ppm, although it decreases after 2010 (Supplementary Figure. S1). The decreasing tendency in CO2 anomalies at these low CO2 regions indicates that the minimum zones are shrinking and it could be the repercussions of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and climate change35.

The regional temperature exhibits a positive feedback on the atmospheric concentrations of CO2. A major region of heat source in the ocean, the IPWP, acts as a medium to distribute CO2 in the atmosphere to different altitudes12. The global distribution of SST is shown in Fig. 1b.

A high CO2 pool over the tropical ocean

It is interesting to note a zone of high CO2 concentration in the mid-troposphere over IPWP, although CO2 concentrations over tropical regions are relatively lower than that in the mid-latitudes of NH36. Hereafter, it is referred to as “the CO2 pool”, which is shown in Fig. 2a. The CO2 pool stretches from the tropical East Indian Ocean to the tropical central Pacific Ocean, with a major part over the latter region.

Figure 2
figure 2

CO2 pool and its driving factors. (a) Annual-averaged (2002–2017) mid-tropospheric CO2 with the CO2 pool region. (b) Annual and latitude (20° S – 20° N) averaged vertical velocity for the period 2002–2017 and (c) Annual-averaged (2002–2017) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Indo-Pacific region. Here SST contour of 28° C represents the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP). These maps are generated using Cartopy64 0.18.0 (

Figure 2b shows the region-averaged (20° S–20° N) vertical velocity for the period 2002–2017. The positive values between 60° E and 150° W indicate the ascending arm of Walker circulation and the negative values between 120° W and 90° W show its descending branch in Pacific Ocean. The upwelling air over IPWP (Fig. 2c) brings high CO2 from the surface to mid-troposphere, which makes high CO2 concentrations there. However, the sinking air over the eastern Pacific Ocean brings low CO2 to the mid-troposphere from higher altitudes. The descending arm of Walker circulation over the western Indian Ocean brings lower CO2 concentration in these regions.

Variability of Indo-Pacific CO2 pool

Figure 3a shows the seasonal variability of CO2 over the tropics, overlaid with SST, which indicates the temporal changes in IPWP. Regions of high CO2 concentrations align with the 28–29 °C SST contours in most months. The zonal and meridional extensions of IPWP are also mimicked by the CO2 distributions. For example, IPWP extends more to the southern hemisphere in winter, which is also followed by CO2. Similarly, the zonal growth of IPWP is partly responsible for the high concentration of CO2 that extends to the eastern Pacific in summer, and even to the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

Figure 3
figure 3

Variability of the CO2 pool over the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP). (a) Seasonal average (DJF: December, January and February, MAM: March, April and May, JJA: June, July and August, SON: September, October and November) mid-tropospheric CO2 (ppm) over the tropical oceans for the period 2002–2017. Black contours represent the seasonal average of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in °C for the period 2002–2017. These maps are generated using Cartopy64 0.18.0 ( (b) Latitudinal variability of annual averaged mid-tropospheric CO2 over different regions (with 95% confidence interval) such as the Pacific Ocean Minimum (POM), Atlantic Ocean Minimum (AOM), AFE (Africa and Europe, averaged between longitudes 10° E and 45° E), CO2 pool over Western Pacific Ocean (WPO) and CO2 pool over East Indian Ocean (EIO). (c) Yearly variations of the area of CO2 pool and contributions of WPO and EIO are indicated. Note that the y-axis starts from 3.5 × 107 km2.

The seasonal variability of CO2 is attributed to the changes in its sources, sinks, horizontal winds and vertical transport. The CO2 pool over the eastern Indian Ocean shows more visible seasonal changes than that in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. During October–November, the CO2 pool is one of the high CO2 concentration regions over the oceans, higher than that over the northern hemisphere. Supplementary Figure S1 shows the interannual variability of CO2 pool with an average linear trend of 2.17 ppm yr-1; indicating a continuous increase of CO2 over the region.

The monthly vertical velocity (Pa s−1) averaged from 1000 to 300 hPa is shown in Supplementary Figure S2. The upward movement of air favors the transport of CO2 to higher altitudes, whereas the sinking of air suppresses CO2 to lower altitudes. Latitude-wise distribution of CO2 over different regions is shown in Fig. 3b. All regions exhibit two major peaks, whereas West Pacific Ocean (WPO) and EIO have additional peaks in the tropics representing the CO2 pool. As the CO2 pool lies over the tropics, it extends to both hemispheres with a noticeable seasonal variability. The western Pacific CO2 pool spreads over both hemispheres, although the Indian Ocean shows skewness towards the northern hemisphere. To quantify the minimum zones of CO2 over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, we selected two regions with coordinates 0°–20° S, 50° W–15° E (AOM) and 0°–15° S, 125°–80° W (POM). Figure 3b shows higher CO2 in the northern hemisphere, about 3.5 ppm more than in AOM. Similarly, Africa and Europe, averaged between longitudes 10° E and 45° E (AFE) show high CO2 in NH high latitudes.

To assess the spatial coverage of CO2 pool, we have calculated the year-wise area, as discussed in Methods section. Figure 3c shows the yearly total area of CO2 pool from 2003 to 2016. The average area of the CO2 pool during 2003–2016 is about 5.82 × 107 km2, and the largest area is estimated for 2010 (6.04 × 107 km2). The yearly percentage contribution of WPO and EIO to CO2 pool indicates that WPO is more prominent in size, roughly three-fourths of the total area of CO2 pool in all years.

Influence of climate modes on CO2 pool

During the ENSO events, changes in the Walker circulation have a profound influence on the distribution of CO2 in the mid-troposphere37. Jiang et al.38 reported that the mid-tropospheric CO2 levels are elevated over the central and repressed over the western Pacific Oceans during the El Niño events. The change in Walker circulation during El Niño favors CO2 transport over the central Pacific Ocean, whereas the downwelling air over WPO limits the CO2 transport to higher altitudes. We have selected two regions to quantify the differential response of CO2 over the eastern and western Pacific Oceans to the ENSO events. The coordinates of these regions are R1: 10° S–10° N, 85°–160° E and R2: 10° S–10° N, 170°–70° W.

Liu et al.39 showed high CO2 emissions during El Niño events due to associated fire activities in south Asia. However, the ENSO composites of the detrended, deseasonalized and latitude-averaged vertical velocity (Supplementary Figure S5) reveal that its negative anomaly (downward motion of air) inhibits the upward transport of high CO2 concentration at R1 and thus, make lower CO2 in mid-troposphere there. Similarly, positive anomalies of vertical velocities are present over R1 during La Niña events. This upward-moving air transports high CO2 to the mid-troposphere from the surface, which gives rise to positive anomaly of CO2 over IPWP during strong La Niña events (Fig. 4d). As compared to R1, a contrasting effect is present over R2 owing to the opposite influence of vertical velocity during the La Niña and El Niño events.

Figure 4
figure 4

Impact of El Niño and La Niña events. El Niño composites of deseasonalized and detrended (a) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and (b) mid-tropospheric CO2 during the period 2002–2017. La Niña composites of deseasonalized and detrended (c) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and (d) mid-tropospheric CO2 during the period 2002–2017. R1 and R2 are the selected regions. These maps are generated using Cartopy64 0.18.0 (

The yearly averaged distribution of CO2 and SST show high values across the western central Indian Ocean that extends to the southeast Arabian Sea13. The region where the warm pool lies is also under the influence of ENSO events (Fig. 4a, c). The response of atmospheric CO2 to the ENSO events is identified using the averaged data of respective months (Fig. 4b, d). For instance, the positive SST anomaly over R1 during La Niña corresponds to relatively higher CO2 and the negative SST anomaly reciprocates with lower CO2 in the mid-troposphere. Similarly, the response of R2 to La Niña and El Niño reiterates the positive relationship between SST and CO2 anomalies. Furthermore, the northeast Atlantic Ocean also has a similar response, which replicates R1; indicating the influence of climate modes on SST and CO2 in all oceanic regions.

The interannual variability of CO2 anomalies at R1 and R2 is shown in Fig. 5a,b. We have considered only the strong El Niño (December 2006, November 2009–February 2010, June 2015–March 2016) and La Niña (September 2007–March 2008, July 2010–February 2011, October 2011–December 2011) events here. During El Niño and La Niña periods, anomalies of CO2 to corresponding SST differences are nearly proportionate, but opposite over the regions R1 and R2. This shows the CO2 response to a warming ocean. During the 2015–2016 El Niño, a strong feedback is observed over R1, and CO2 anomalies reached − 1.1 ppm. During the neutral and weak ENSO events (ENSO index within ± 1), R1 and R2 show similar CO2 peaks; suggesting that those peaks could be the result of the variability in large-scale CO2 emissions.

Figure 5
figure 5

Response of CO2 anomalies to ENSO and comparison of AIRS CO2 with surface and buoy measurements. (a), Detrended and deseasonalized month-wise CO2 anomalies (ppm) over the regions R1 and (b) for R2 during the period 2002–207. Blue indicates mid-tropospheric CO2 during La Niña months (CO2Niña, ENSO index <  − 1 ), Orange is mid-tropospheric CO2 during El Niño months (CO2Niño, ENSO index >  + 1) and pale green indicates CO2 during neutral months and months with ENSO index within ± 1 (CO2neutral). Regions R1 and R2 are marked in Fig. 4d. Mid-tropospheric CO2 during La Niña and El Niño events is shown with 95% confidence intervals and are indicated as error bars (grey). (c) Detrended and deseasonalized measurements from Mauna Loa observatory (MLO), ∆pCO2 (μatm) from the buoys Chuuk K1, TAO 0°, 165° E, TAO 8° S, 165° E and TAO 0, 170° W representing the western Pacific ocean (WPO) and Stratus 85° W 20° S, TAO 0°, 110° W, TAO 0, 125° W and TAO 0, 140° W represent the eastern Pacific oceanic regions. Detrended and deseasonalized AIRS CO2 (at 95% confidence level) over R1 as marked in Fig. 4d is indicated as R1 here. The periods of El Niño and La Niña are shaded.

CO2 observations at ocean surface

The near-surface measurements of atmospheric CO2 show an immediate and prominent response to changes in carbon sources than CO2 in mid-troposphere due to the proximity advantage of surface measurements (Fig. 5c). A study on the influence of Pacific Ocean on atmospheric CO2 using measurements from Mauna Loa observatory (MLO) shows that most El Niño events correspond to an immediate decrease in atmospheric CO2 within a month or two40, which can be also found in Fig. 5c. The subsequent rise in CO2 in the following months can be attributed to the influence of declined CO2 intake by the global biosphere, increased plant and soil respiration (0.6 ± 1.01 gigatons C in Africa) and enhanced fire emissions (0.4 ± 0.08 gigatons C in tropical Asia) during the El Niño events33,39. Anomalies computed from the satellite observations at R1 and surface measurements at MLO show similar variability in CO2 with some lag/lead as illustrated in Fig. 5c. The magnitude of CO2 peaks is often very high for MLO and higher for buoy measurements located at the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (EPO) than that of satellite observations. The shallow warm water in IPWP acts as a barrier between the cooler water and atmosphere, and restricts CO2 venting there, which is evident from the lower ΔpCO2 (difference between surface seawater pCO2 and atmospheric pCO2) values at WPO than that of EPO (Fig. 5c). There is a reduction in CO2 outgassing from EPO and WPO during El Niño events (e.g. ΔpCO2 ≈ 0 μatm at EPO), but it enhanced during La Niña events (e.g. ΔpCO2 > 70 μatm at EPO and WPO), although not all ENSO events have a notable influence on CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. These differences are probably due to the complex ocean–atmosphere–biosphere coupled interactions40. The increased CO2 venting during La Niña events contributes to the higher CO2 in the mid-troposphere. The outgassed CO2 together with other emissions from land regions are transported to higher altitudes by the vertical winds (see Supplementary Figure S4).

Impact of CO2 pool on global climate

Figure 6a depicts the trend in yearly-averaged mid-tropospheric CO2 from 2003 to 2016. Regions north of 60° N show the highest trend values, particularly over the northernmost regions (greater than 2.3 ppm yr−1). The eastern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans show higher trends than their regional counterparts. The average annual trend for the CO2 pool is 2.17 ppm yr−1 (Supplementary Figure S1), which is higher than that of other oceanic regions, e.g. the average trend of CO2 over AS is 2.13 ppm yr−1 for the period 2003–201613. Nevertheless, the average trend over the region within 20° S–20° N and 50° E–160° W, without the CO2 pool criteria, is similar to that of the global average CO2 trend (2.11 ppm yr−1). The CO2 minimum zones over the oceans, AOM and POM, exhibit a high positive trend of CO2 (2.14 ± 0.02 ppm yr−1 and 2.12 ± 0.02 ppm yr−1 respectively). To assess the impact of increased levels of CO2 on climate, we also calculate the Radiative Forcing (RF) of CO2 in 2016 with respect to that of 2003.

Figure 6
figure 6

Radiative forcing. (a) Annual trend of mid-tropospheric CO2 (ppm yr−1) during 2003–2016. Stippling indicates significant trends at 95% confidence level. (b) Radiative Forcing (RF; W m−2) of CO2 in 2016. Mid-tropospheric CO2 in 2003 is the reference CO2 concentration for the calculation of RF here. These maps are generated using Cartopy64 0.18.0 (

Figure 6b shows the spatial distribution of RF across the regions. High RF is found in regions where CO2 concentrations are relatively higher and the average RF at R1 is 0.37 ± 0.01 Wm−2. The Atlantic Ocean and WPO exhibit high RF and annual CO2 trends (ppm yr−1) than those in other oceanic regions. These incessant increase of CO2 in the atmosphere exacerbate global warming and this would make it more difficult to keep the warming below 2 °C2,41.


A region of high CO2 concentration is present over IPWP in the tropics. Temporal (monthly, seasonal and annual) analysis of the CO2 data over the region shows that it is a permanent feature. The monthly distribution of SST and mid-tropospheric CO2 are congruent, particularly over IPWP. The CO2 pool shows an average annual trend of 2.17 ppm yr−1, which is comparatively higher than that over other oceanic regions. Several studies have discussed ocean warming in the context of increased GHGs42,43. Weller et al.44 identified GHG forcing as the major cause of the observed increase in IPWP intensity and size, which produced an increase in ocean heat content and high sea level rise in the twentieth century. Our analysis confirms that the changes in Walker circulation can alter CO2 distribution in the mid-troposphere. The transport of surface emissions, both natural and anthropogenic, controlled by atmospheric circulation have distinct seasonal, intra-seasonal and interannual variability. Our assessment suggests that La Niña conditions enhance atmospheric CO2 over IPWP, whereas El Niño has a negative effect on it. Apart from these, strong winds in the middle and upper troposphere transport and mix these high concentrations of CO2 to the higher altitudes during the periods of ENSO.

Immediate and sharp responses of these climate modes are also well captured by the near-surface and moored buoy CO2 measurements. Chatterjee et al.33 analyzed the influence of 2015–2016 super El-Niño on atmospheric CO2 using the column-averaged measurements from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) and CO2 measurements from buoys. They showed an initial drop in atmospheric CO2 during the onset of El Niño due to the suppression of upwelling in the tropical Pacific, which reduced the outgassing of CO2 from the ocean to atmosphere. The reduction in CO2 exchange is accountable for the weak response of CO2 anomalies in R2 during the El Niño period, as shown in Fig. 5b.

Furthermore, Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)45 has a comparable effect on mid-tropospheric CO2 as that by ENSO13. That is, mid-tropospheric CO2 exhibits a negative (positive) anomaly during the strong positive (negative) IOD over EIO. During the strong negative IOD in 2016, EIO had the highest contribution to the total area of CO2 pool (29.20%) compared to that in other years. A possible reason for this is that the 2015–2016 super El-Niño had already reduced the size of CO2 pool over the Pacific Ocean followed by the strongest negative IOD (2016), which favored the uplift of CO2 to the mid-troposphere46,47. In addition, the combination of strong La Niña and negative IOD favors the upward transport of CO2. For instance, a similar event occurred in 2010 and henceforth, the largest CO2 pool over IPWP is observed in that year; reiterating the influence of climate modes on the regional and vertical distribution of CO2. The atmospheric CO2 is gradually increasing, even in the lower CO2 regions over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and over the CO2 pool. The difference between these low CO2 regions and the global mean shows a negative trend, which implies that the CO2 concentration in the minimum pool is increasing faster than that in other regions. Our analyses also give new insights on the global distribution of CO2 in the mid-troposphere and its variability, particularly over the oceanic regions as they are largest carbon sinks on the Earth. Understanding the connection between IPWP and CO2 pool is beneficial to tackle the complex ocean–atmosphere interactions and thus, to mitigate global warming and climate change triggered by CO2 in the atmosphere.


We have used the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) CO2 data, which is available from September 2002 to February 2017 with a horizontal resolution of 2.5° × 2°. AIRS is the first hyperspectral Infrared spectrometer on board the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua, operating at wavelengths ranging from 3.7 to 15.4 μm48,49. Vanish Partial Derivative Method is used to retrieve the mid-tropospheric CO2 utilizing a set of 15 μm spectral channels that have peak sensitivities to CO2 between 500 and 300 hPa15,50. Vanishing Partial Derivatives method utilizes the general property of multivariate total differentials to isolate the contribution of individual minor gases. It minimizes the difference between the observed cloud-cleared and calculated radiances with multiple iterations until the radiance residuals of geographical variables are minimized. Since these satellite data are available only up to 2017, our analysis is performed for the period 2002–2017.

Monthly SST data are obtained from the Hadley Centre Sea Ice and SST dataset (HadISST)51, with a 1° × 1° horizontal resolution. HadISST is available from 1871 to date, but we have opted for the same period as that of AIRS CO2. Based on Seabold and Perktold52, CO2 and SST data are detrended and deseasonalized to remove trend and seasonality. The average of satellite measurements over different regions are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. We use the Ocean Niño Index (ONI) to assess the variability in CO2 during ENSO. Composites of CO2 and SST are computed for different phases of ENSO. Meyers and O'Brien40 indicated that all the ENSO events do not lead to change in CO2. Henceforth, we have considered only strong El Niño and La Niña events with the criterion of the 3-month season, with ONI values greater than 1 for El Niño and less than -1 for La Niña months. Among the selected El Niño events, 2015 is the equatorial Pacific and rest are central Pacific El Niño events.

The vertical velocity at pressure levels from 1000 to 300 hPa with a horizontal resolution of 25 × 25 km are taken from the ECMWF Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) data53. The monthly vertical velocity, ω (Pa s−1), is scaled by -1 so that positive values indicate upward motion of air masses and negative values indicate downward motion. Longitudes of the regions selected for the meridional average, other than AOM and POM, are 70°–120° E for EIO, 120° E–160° W for WPO and 10°–45° E for representing land region (Africa and Europe). For this analysis, a standard latitude range of 45° S–60° N is selected. For the calculation of the area of CO2 pool, we have selected the grid points enclosed over the region within 20° S–20° N and 50° E–160° W, where the anomaly of CO2 concentration is greater than its standard deviation but less than three times its standard deviation.

$$CO_{2} \, pool = \sigma < CO_{2}^{20^\circ S - 20^\circ N,\; 50^\circ E - 160^\circ W} < 3\sigma$$

where, σ is the standard deviation of CO2 over the region 20° S to 20° N and 50° E to 160° W.

We have also considered the atmospheric and surface seawater partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) measured by the open ocean moored buoys. ΔpCO2 is calculated by subtracting atmospheric pCO2 from surface seawater pCO2. We have combined ΔpCO2 from Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring at 0°, 165° E54, TAO at 8° S, 165° E55, Chuuk K1 mooring at 7.46° N, 151.90° E56 and TAO at 0°, 170° W57 to represent the western Pacific, whereas Stratus at 85° W, 20° S58, TAO at 0°, 110° W59 and TAO at 0°, 125° W60, TAO at 0°, 140° W61 to represent the eastern Pacific based on the mooring locations. Monthly averaged CO2 data from the Mauna Loa is also used to supplement the satellite data62. It is detrended and deseasonalized based on the method described by Seabold and Perktold52.

Since the CO2 pool is an area of high concentrations (e.g. 14 years annual average > 385 ppm in the region), we examine the contribution of CO2 to regional warming there. Therefore, we have estimated the RF of CO2 using the formula63,

$$\Delta {\text{F}} = \left( {{5}.{\text{35 W m}}^{{ - {2}}} } \right){\text{ ln}}\left( {{\text{C}}/{\text{C}}_{{\text{O}}} } \right)$$

where, ∆F is the RF for CO2 in W m−2, C is the CO2 concentration based on which RF is calculated. CO is the reference CO2 concentration. Conventionally, the pre-industrial level of CO2 (280 ppm) is taken as CO. However, we consider CO2 levels in 2003 as CO to look at the changes in the recent decade. We present the grid-wise radiative forcing and linear trend of CO2 to assess the impact of increased CO2 levels.

The statistical significance of trend analysis and ENSO composites of vertical velocity is examined using the two-sided student’s t test. The difference between El Niño and La Niña composites is calculated and tested for its statistical significance. Grid points with p-values less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant at a 95% confidence level and marked in Supplementary Figure S4. For the ENSO composite analysis of mid-tropospheric CO2 and SST, the statistical significance is tested at 90% significant level and the statistically significant points are marked in Supplementary Figure S5. The uncertainties indicated in Fig. 3b, 5 and Supplementary Figure S1 are at 95% confidence intervals.