Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 10 January 2022

The original version of this Article contained typographical errors.

In Figure 4 and Figure 6 the complexity of the cephalopod trade network did not display correctly.

The original Figure 4 and Figure 6 and their accompanying legends appear below.

Figure 4
figure 4

Global trade network for octopus live, fresh or chilled between 1 January 2000, and 31 December 2019 in monetary value (USD). The numbers correspond to the normalised strength for the monetary value. Each node represents a trader, and each edge represents the export–import relationship between two traders. The size and colour of the node represent the relative importance of the trader in the network in terms of its strength. The width and colour of the edge represent the relative importance of the relationship between two traders in terms of their edge strength. The figure was created with R12 ( packages: “ggplot2” v.3.2.113 (, “ggmap” v.3.0.029 ( and “ggraph” v.2.0.030 (

Figure 6
figure 6

Global trade network for squid and cuttlefish live, fresh or chilled between 1 January 2000, and 31 December 2019 in monetary value (USD). The numbers correspond to the normalised strength for the monetary value. Each node represents a trader, and each edge represents the export–import relationship between two traders. The size and colour of the node represent the relative importance of the trader in the network in terms of its strength. The width and colour of the edge represent the relative importance of the relationship between two traders in terms of their edge strength. The figure was created with R12 ( packages: “ggplot2” v.3.2.113 (, “ggmap” v.3.0.029 ( and “ggraph” v.2.0.030 (

The original Article has been corrected.