Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 29 November 2017

This Article contains errors in Figures 3 and 4.

In Figures 3a (orange), 3e and 4c-d (red and orange) the filled circles were incorrectly plotted.

The correct Figures 3 and 4 and accompanying legends appear below.

Figure 3
figure 3

Eastern Mediterranean temperature records across TII. LC21 (purple) and ODP967 (orange) G. ruber (a) δ18OC and (b,c) Δ47-replicates (shadings correspond to the 95% CI of the 5,000 filtered simulations of the Δ47-replicates). G. ruber Δ47-temperature records from (d) LC21 and (e) ODP967. Dots, thick lines, and shadings in (d,e) as in Fig. 2c. We also show in (a,d) the LC21 δ18OC and Δ47-temperature late-Holocene values (purple star), respectively. Gaps in the final Δ47-records correspond to intervals where the age uncertainties of the Δ47-replicates do not overlap.

Figure 4
figure 4

TII temperature and δ18OSW records across the Mediterranean Sea. (a) Northern Hemisphere insolation record at 65°N (black) overlain on the LC21 (purple) and ODP967 (orange) Δ47-temperature, and LC21 \(\text{U}_{37}^{\text{K}^{\prime}}\)-temperature32 (using ref.6 age model) records from the eMed. (b) ODP975 G. bulloides Δ47-temperature record (red) and ice-rafted debris (Lithics 90–150 μm, %) concentrations from the Iberian Margin (blue39). (c) Freshwater fluxes into the North Atlantic (blue2) and ODP975 G. bulloides-δ18OSW (red). (d) G. ruber δ18OSW records from LC21 (purple) and ODP967 (orange). Dots, thick lines, and shadings as in Fig. 2c. LC21 Δ47 late-Holocene temperature (purple star). Gaps in the final Δ47-records correspond to intervals where the age uncertainties of the Δ47-replicates do not overlap. Blue box highlights the HS11.