Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 19 July 2019

This Article contains an error in the Introduction.

“Recently, the intravenous administration of Minocycline showed to reduce cell death and improve hindlimb function in mammal SCI models13,14.”

should read:

“The administration of Minocycline showed to reduce cell death and improve hindlimb function in mammal SCI models13,14.”

Additionally, some of the methods presented in this Article were previously developed by different Authors. The Authors of this Article neglected to cite the previous papers, which are included below as Reference 1 and 2 and should be cited in the methods section as below:

Mouse spinal cord injury and post-operative care

[…] A controlled force-defined impact at 75 kdynes (moderate to severe contusion) was delivered to the exposed cord with a stainless-steel impactor tip after securing the lateral processes of T8 and T101. […] A 10% weight loss was typically observed after injury, and a high caloric pellet (Supreme Mini-Treats™ S05478 and S05472) was provided as a dietary supplement1.

Basso mouse scale (BMS) test for open-field locomotion

Open-field locomotion was assessed with the BMS rating system, which allows the reliable measurement of hindlimb recovery in mice following SCI1,41. […] If there was plantar stepping, then the frequency of stepping and coordination was evaluated. If not, then ankle movement of dorsal stepping was evaluated and appropriately scored1. […]

Modified luxol fast blue staining and white matter sparing analysis

[…] All lesion analysis was done with coded sections and by an investigator unaware of treatment or outcome group2.