Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 12 January 2018

This Article contains errors in References 8, 9, 10, 17 and 48, which were incorrectly given as:

8. Schade, L. R. & Emanuel, K. A. The ocean’s effect on the intensity of tropical cyclones: Results from a simple coupled atmosphere-ocean model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 56, 642–651, (1999).

9. Chan, J. C. L., Duan, Y. & Shay, L. K. Tropical cyclone intensity change from a simple ocean-atmosphere coupled model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 58, 154–172, (2001).

10. D’Asaro, E. A. The ocean boundary layer below hurricane dennis. Journal of Physical Oceanography 33, 561–579, (2003).

17. Seroka, G. et al. Stratified coastal ocean interactions with tropical cyclones. Monthly Weather Review 144, 3507–3530, (2016).

48. Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J. & Shchepetkin, A. Wave-current interaction in an oceanic circulation model with a vortex-force formalism: Application to the surf zone. Ocean Modelling 34, 10–35, (2010).

The correct references are listed below as Refs1,2,3,4,5.