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Inflammaging aggravates stroke pathology

In mice and humans, changes in neutrophil phenotypes and functionality during aging aggravate thromboinflammation in ischemic brain injury and determine the pathology associated with strokes. In mice, inhibition of CXCL3 signaling and rejuvenation of bone marrow offer ways of restricting brain injury and improving stroke outcomes.

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Fig. 1: Aging-associated changes in neutrophils impact stroke outcome.


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The authors’ work is supported by the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) and German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (grants 81Z0600204 to C.S. and 81Z0600201 to S.M.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft CRC TRR332 project A6 (C.S.); and the European Research Council (ERC) (grant 833440 to S.M.).

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Correspondence to Christian Schulz or Steffen Massberg.

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Schulz, C., Massberg, S. Inflammaging aggravates stroke pathology. Nat Immunol 24, 887–888 (2023).

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