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  • Patents
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European patent protection for medical uses of known products and drug repurposing

Obtaining European patent protection for medical uses of known products is not a key factor limiting repurposing activity.

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Fig. 1: EPO medical use patents with independent claims directed to medical uses of known products from 2001 to 2021, plotted by publication date of the patent grant (Search ID: S3).
Fig. 2: Organizations with the highest count of patents with EPO medical use independent claims (S3) and organizations owning medical use patents with family country counts of at least 20 jurisdictions (S8) in the last 20 years.
Fig. 3: Jurisdictions where patents in the same simple patent family as S8 are protected (the collection of patent documents considered to cover the same invention and all having exactly the same priorities as the S8 EPO medical use patent).
Fig. 4: Number of EPO medical use patents by Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) class.
Fig. 5: Results of expert review manual classification of medical use patents based on the disease claimed on the broadest independent claim.


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The research was supported, in part, by a Novo Nordisk Foundation Grant for a scientifically independent Collaborative Research Programme in Biomedical Innovation Law (grant no. NNF17SA027784).

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Correspondence to Mateo Aboy.

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Aboy, M., Liddell, K., Jordan, M. et al. European patent protection for medical uses of known products and drug repurposing. Nat Biotechnol 40, 465–471 (2022).

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