Correction to: Nature Published online 16 September 2019

Hansjörg Seybold, Wouter Berghuijs, Jeff Prancevic, and James Kirchner have drawn our attention to a miswording in the original version of the published article. We mistakenly use the words “correlated with” instead of “biased by” in a sentence in the Methods section (subsection NCI). The original sentence was “We confirmed that NCI values for extracted rivers in GLoPro are not correlated with key river metrics, such as river length, gradient, relief or basin area (Extended Data Fig. 4).” The correct sentence should read: “We confirmed that NCI values for extracted rivers in GLoPro are not biased by key river metrics, such as river length, gradient, relief or basin area (Extended Data Fig. 4).” This wording is now consistent with the caption of Extended Data Figure 4. The original article has not been corrected online.