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Globally coherent water cycle response to temperature change during the past two millennia


The response of the global water cycle to changes in global surface temperature remains an outstanding question in future climate projections and in past climate reconstructions. The stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of precipitation (δprecip), meteoric water (δMW) and seawater (δSW) integrate processes from microphysical to global scales and thus are uniquely positioned to track global hydroclimate variations. Here we evaluate global hydroclimate during the past 2,000 years using a globally distributed compilation of proxies for δprecip, δMW and δSW. We show that global mean surface temperature exerted a coherent influence on global δprecip and δMW throughout the past two millennia, driven by global ocean evaporation and condensation processes, with lower values during the Little Ice Age (1450–1850) and higher values after the onset of anthropogenic warming (~1850). The Pacific Walker Circulation is a predominant source of regional variability, particularly since 1850. Our results demonstrate rapid adjustments in global precipitation and atmospheric circulation patterns—within decades—as the planet warms and cools.

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Fig. 1: Global composite oxygen isotope anomalies.
Fig. 2: First principal components and trends in Iso2k records over the LM.
Fig. 3: Global hydroclimate and isotopic anomalies in iCESM18,19,20.
Fig. 4: Isotopic fingerprint of the PWC in Iso2k and iCESM.

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Data availability

The Iso2k Database57 is available for download at and is accessible via the NOAA/WDS Paleo Data landing page at Composites and principal component datasets generated for this paper are available through GitHub at and archived via Zenodo (

Code availability

Codes to reproduce the main results from this paper are available through GitHub at and archived via Zenodo (


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Iso2k is a contribution to Phase 3 and 4 of the PAGES 2k Network. PAGES received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences, the US National Science Foundation and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Support for this work includes NSF-AGS 1805141, NSF-AGS PRF 1433408 and a David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship in Science and Engineering to B.L.K.; NSF-1948746 to N.P.M.; Australian Research Council through a Discovery Project (DP170100557) and the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CE170100023) to G.M.F.; NSF-AGS 1805143 and NSF-OCE-2202794 to S.L.S.; NSF-CAREER 2145725, NSF 2103035 and NSF 2002444 to A.R.A.; NSF-CAREER 1945479, NSF 1931242 and NSF 2002460 to D.M.T.; Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP190102782 to J.J.T.; South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center Cooperative Agreement G19AC00086, NSF-2102931 and NSF-1805702 to K.L.D.; RYC‐2013‐14073 programme and LINKA20102 and CEX2018‐000794‐S projects to B.M.; NSF-EAR PRF 1349595, NSF-EAR-IF 1652274, NSF-OPP 1504267, NSF-OPP 1737716 and NSF-CAREER 2044616 to E.K.T.; NSF-CAREER 1847791 to J.L.C.; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration award number NA18OAR4310427 to S.G.D.; PalMod, the German palaeoclimate modelling initiative, part of the Research for Sustainable Development initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; 01LP1922A) to L.J.; RSF project 21-17-00006 to O.V.C.(S.); German Research Foundation grants OP217/2-1, OP217/3-1, OP217/4-1 to T.O.; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant RGPIN-2016-06730 to T.J.P.; Australian Research Council Project (LP210300691) to G.S.; Australian Research Council through a Future Fellowship (FT160100029), Special Research Initiative for the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (SR200100008) and the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CE170100023) to N.J.A; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant RGPIN-2021-03888 to A.J.O.; and Australian Antarctic Science (AAS) grants 757, 4061, 4062 and 4537 to M.C. and A.M.

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Analyses presented in the main text and extended data were conceived and performed by B.L.K., N.P.M., G.M.F., S.L.S., M.J.F., A.R.A., D.M.T., M.D.J., J.J.T., E.K.T., J.L.C., S.G.D. and L.J. Results were analysed and interpreted by B.L.K., N.P.M., G.M.F., S.L.S., M.J.F., A.R.A., D.M.T., M.D.J., K.L.D., J.J.T., B.M. and E.K.T., with input from all authors. The manuscript was written mainly by B.L.K., N.P.M., G.M.F., S.L.S., M.J.F., A.R.A., D.M.T., M.D.J., K.L.D., J.J.T., B.M., E.K.T., J.L.C., S.G.D., L.J. and H.R.S., with additional contributions from O.V.C.(S.), Z.K., T.O., T.J.P. and G.S. All Iso2k project members created the Iso2k database and edited the manuscript. B.L.K. directed the project, led the overall design of the study and led the writing of the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Bronwen L. Konecky.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Geoscience thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: James Super, in collaboration with the Nature Geoscience team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Composite Δ18Oδprecip calculated with and without glacier ice records.

As per Fig. 1, the black line with coloured shading shows the 30-year binned proxy δ18O anomaly from Iso2k records15 (black line, ensemble median; dark shading, first and third quantiles; light shading, 2.5th/97.5th percentiles). (a) Composite of Δ18Oδprecip records from all archives other than glacier ice. (b) Composite of only glacier ice records. Records contributing to each bin are mean-centered but not scaled according to that record’s variance (see Methods). Anomalies are in ‰ relative to the 2000-year mean. Gray shading depicts the ensemble 2.5 and 97.5 percentile of the 31-year Butterworth-filtered Global Mean Surface Temperature (GMST) anomaly relative to the 1961-1990 mean1.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Composite Δ18Oδprecip calculated using Iso2k records15 falling within 30-degree latitudinal bins.

a, 60-90°N (n = 76); b, 30-60°N (n = 86); c, 0-30°N (n = 27); d, 0-30°S (n = 39); e, 60-90°S (n = 77). As per Fig. 1, black line with coloured shading shows the 30-year binned proxy δ18O anomaly (black line, ensemble median; dark shading, first and third quantiles; light shading, 2.5th/97.5th percentiles) and gray shading depicts the ensemble 2.5 and 97.5 percentile of the 31-year Butterworth-filtered GMST anomaly relative to the 1961-1990 mean1. Black text denotes mean regression slope (± 1 standard deviation) of regional composite Δ18O vs. GMST from 850-2000. Regional composite for 30-60°S not calculated due to insufficient number of records from those latitudes (n = 2).

Extended Data Fig. 3 First Principal Component (PC1) of Iso2k15 records during the full Common Era.

Panels a–d, as in Fig. 2a–d but for the interval 0-1980 (30-year bins), and without trends depicted (that is, constant shape for outer symbols). δprecip PC1 explains 19% of the total variance (n = 44). Effective Moisture PC1 explains 19% of the total variance (n = 19). Temperature PC1 explains 25% of the total variance (n = 19). Maps created in R using coastlines from Natural Earth.

Extended Data Fig. 4 iCESM relationship between GMST and grid cell-level δ18Oprecip.

Shading depicts the regression coefficient in ‰/°C between mean annual, amount-weighted, 30-year running mean δ18Oprecip at every grid cell vs. 30-year running mean, area-weighted GMST for the mean of 3 full-forcing, isotope-enabled Last Millennium Ensemble members18–20. Map created in MATLAB using m_map for coastlines.

Extended Data Fig. 5 δ18O vs. latitude in the Iso2k database15 for the modern era (a-d; 1950-2018) and the Little Ice Age (e-h; 1450-1850).

Data are plotted for the three main isotope interpretation categories (a-c, e-g) and for δ18O of glacier and ground ice (d, h), the archives that preserve precipitation most directly. Black lines indicate polynomial fits to the 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 quantiles. Black squares on panels (d) and (h) indicate 40 and 70 degrees latitude, the interval for which the mean of the gradient function was calculated (−0.48‰/° latitude for both time periods; see main text). All records are plotted in permil on the VSMOW-SLAP scale for ice core records; PDB or VPDB for all other archives).

Extended Data Fig. 6 Relation between Iso2k15 primary time series and Global Mean Surface Temperature (GMST).

(a) Fraction of variance explained (R2) in δprecip primary time series by changes in PAGES 2k global mean surface temperature (GMST) over the past 2000 years1,2. Both Iso2k time series and GMST were averaged into 30 year bins before calculating correlations (See Methods). (b) As in (a), but for Effective Moisture primary time series. (c) As in (a), but for Temperature primary time series.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Standardized 200-year δ18O anomalies from Effective Moisture and δprecip records.

a, Composite medians for Iso2k15 Effective Moisture and δprecip driven records, as shown in Fig. 1 of the main text. Red shading denotes intervals of relatively high composite Δ18OEM, and blue shading denotes intervals of relatively low composite Δ18OEM. b-f, Isotopic anomalies in individual EM and δprecip records contributing to the composites during those shaded intervals, via standardised anomaly maps for time intervals discussed in the main text (see Methods). These maps only include records with data spanning ≥ 600 years. Standardized anomalies at each site are relative to the Common Era mean value for that record. Maps created in R using coastlines from Natural Earth.

Extended Data Fig. 8 First Principal Component (PC1) of Iso2k15 data for the Historical Period.

Panels a–d, as in Extended Data Fig. 3a–d, but for the interval 1850-2005, with 3-year bins. δprecip PC1 explains 12% of the total variance (n = 109). Effective Moisture PC1 explains 32% of the total variance (n = 29). Temperature PC1 explains 38% of the total variance (n = 27). Maps created in R using coastlines from Natural Earth.

Extended Data Fig. 9 Significance of Iso2k15 PCA eigenvalues with respect to a null hypothesis of stochastic forcing with decadal persistence.

a, Block bootstrap results from 850-1840 with a 30-year bin width, 10-year block length, and tolerance of up to 15% missing data (that is, 85% coverage during the time interval; Methods). Yellow symbols depict the eigenvalues (expressed as a percentage of the total variance) of each principal component. Blue bars show the 1-99% confidence intervals of the stochastic null hypothesis (n = 1000). Eigenvalues above the 99% confidence interval are significant at the 1% level (one-sided test) and therefore are unlikely to have arisen stochastically, and unlikely to be an artifact of the data processing steps (that is, binning and interpolation). (b) as in (a) but for 0-1980. (c) as in (a) but for 1850-2000 and with a 10-year bin width and tolerance of up to 10% missing data (90% coverage).

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Konecky, B.L., McKay, N.P., Falster, G.M. et al. Globally coherent water cycle response to temperature change during the past two millennia. Nat. Geosci. 16, 997–1004 (2023).

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