Correction to: Nature Communications, published online 8 May 2020.

The original version of this Article incorrectly reported Kd values in the fourth and fifth sentences of the second paragraph of the ‘Intrinsic disorder impacts auxin-driven receptor association’ section of the Results, which incorrectly read ‘We observed the general trend of reduced auxin binding affinities when altering IAA7 in TIR1·IAA7BM3 (Kd = ~53 ± 2 nM), TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-12-7) (Kd = 93  nM), and TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-7-12) (Kd = 86  ± 25 nM) complexes in comparison to TIR1·IAA(7-7-7-7-7) (Kd = ~20 ± 6 nM) (n = 2–5; ± indicates SEM). We, however, measured relatively similar auxin affinities of TIR1·IAA12BM3 (Kd = ~143 ± 3 nM), TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-7-12) (Kd = ~172 ±  76 nM), TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-12-7) (Kd = ~152 ± 63 nM), and TIR1·IAA12 (Kd =  ~224 ± 66 nM); (n = 2–5; ± indicates SEM) (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 6.)’

The correct version states ‘TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-12-7) (Kd = ~57 ± 2 nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-12-7) (Kd = 93 nM)’, ‘TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-7-12) (Kd = ~43 ±  12 nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA (7-7-7-7-12) (Kd = 86 ± 25 nM)’, ‘TIR1·IAA(7-7-7-7-7) (Kd = ~20 ± 3nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA(7-7-7-7-7) (Kd = ~20 ± 6 nM)’, ‘TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-7-12) (Kd = ~79 ± 22 nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-7-12) (Kd = ~172 ± 76 nM)’, ‘TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-12-7) (Kd = ~133 ± 37 nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA (12-12-12-12-7) (Kd = ~152 ± 63 nM)’, and ‘TIR1·IAA12 (Kd = ~226 ± 34 nM)’ in place of ‘TIR1·IAA12 (Kd = ~224 ± 66  nM)’.

The values reported in Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 6 were correct in the original version.

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.