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Smile makeover treatments


The demand for aesthetic smile makeover treatments is increasing, especially with the rise in social media use. Historically, healthy tooth structure was sacrificed in order to achieve rapid results but this would invariably lead to compromise of the occlusion and a less-than-ideal result.

Multi-disciplinary treatment planning, including the use of orthodontic treatment, is now routinely used in order to achieve optimal results. This paper aims to highlight the importance of a combined orthodontic-restorative planning process to allow a long-term aesthetic and functional result for our patients.

Key points

  • Provides information to general dental practitioners regarding the smile makeover treatments available to patients.

  • A background discussion of the increase in aesthetic treatments and the benefits of new techniques to improve outcome and safety for patients.

  • An introduction to possibilities of multi-disciplinary treatments in order to achieve the best outcome for the patients.

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Fig. 7

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Naomi Prado: article write-up and submission; Sara Hosni, James Darcy and Amin Aminian: article write-up and providing case description and photos; and Ovais Malik: article inception, write-up and providing case description and photos.

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Correspondence to Naomi Prado.

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Prado, N., Hosni, S., Darcey, J. et al. Smile makeover treatments. Br Dent J 233, 391–396 (2022).

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