Sir, I read with interest the article authored by A. C. Pereira and A. D. Walmsley on games in dental education. Using gaming as an alternative to traditional textbook learning may greatly appeal to students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Examples were given in the text of game ideas aimed at topics such as dental anaesthesia.1I would propose an alternative utilisation of this concept in the preparation for dental interviews, eg dental core training posts and higher specialty training.

There are several books available for dental interview preparation but feedback is often generic. Although interview courses enable more tailored feedback, time-constraints and number of individuals enrolled in one may not allow 'weaknesses' to be identified in a single session or course.

I would suggest instead a game-centred concept around dental interviews with the option of electronically submitting answers for feedback - this may be more time consuming for the assessors and carry a fee but allows the student to practise for an interview themselves before carrying out group work.