Friendly Floss from reuseus is a reusable flossing tool that is friendly for teeth and for the planet. The founders of the company were inspired to help reduce plastic waste partly through seeing David Attenborough's 'Blue Planet II' which highlighted the impact on albatross chicks from ingesting small plastic picks.

figure 1

Friendly Floss has the following benefits:

  • It replaces single use floss picks - improving our environmental impact

  • It can be used with any brand of floss - preferably biodegradable

  • It can be threaded in a way that works for you - four techniques are suggested on the Friendly Floss website with short video instructions using just 20-40 cm of floss

  • It is possible to control the tension of the floss - tight through contact points, loose to hug your teeth into gums, and tight back out, meaning floss doesn't just loosen during use, and you clean more of your teeth and gums

  • It is designed for purpose - with a softened shape to protect your gums, angled arm slots to prevent release during use, and a central horn providing offsetting forces

  • You can access all teeth - small size (8 cm length) and pencil style handle makes Friendly Floss easy to fit in mouth, manoeuvre and reach all teeth

  • The floss can be rotated during use which is helpful as biodegradable floss can fray

  • Clean and reuse - beautifully crafted food grade stainless steel with no moving parts; simple, attractive and incredibly durable and easy to clean in a dishwasher or sink for use again and again

  • Sustainable packaging - Friendly Floss' packaging is made from a single piece of recyclable kraft card that folds in on itself for delivery and display, and breaks back down for disposal to help reduce environmental impact.

The creators of Friendly Floss are confident that once you have perfected threading your floss, you will have a better flossing experience every day, and improve your environmental impact. Friendly Floss: a bit more time for a lot less impact.