An article published in BDJ Team in June, Does the adjunctive use of green tea improve periodontal indices in patients undergoing non-surgical periodontal treatment,1 has earned its author Jeniffer Simpson the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA)/British Dental Editors and Writers Forum (BDEWF) New Communicators Award for undergraduates 2021/2022.

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Jeniffer's article summarises the full literature review she conducted during her final year studying for a BSc Oral Health Science degree at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). Jeniffer completed her studies in the summer and is now a fully qualifed dental therapist.

Jeniffer wins £350 and an invitation to the annual BDEWF dinner in October, held at the RAF Club in London's Piccadilly.

In response to the news, Jeniffer said: ‘What a surprise! Thank you very much [to BDJ Team Editor Kate Quinlan] for nominating my article for this award. When writing my literature review I never thought it would be good enough for publishing, never mind winning any prizes'.

To view Jeniffer's winning article visit