Dependable and predictable adhesion is key for any restoration. Dental professionals and their patients are in safe hands with COLTENE's SUPERKRAFT which brings together two hero products to deliver outstanding bond strength.

SUPERKRAFT is the ideal adhesive solution for indirect restorations. It consists of SoloCem cement and ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL adhesive to provide dental professionals with an excellent bond strength, giving reliable adhesion in even the most challenging indirect restoration cases from implant abutments to root posts.

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While the two materials can be used separately, together they offer maximum versatility. The SoloCem resin cement provides colour stability and optimal integration, while ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL offers reliable bonding on different surfaces.

Contact the COLTENE team for more information about SUPERKRAFT, and how it can transform your restorative workflow by visiting or on 0800 254 5115.