A clean mouth is not only crucial for oral health but for overall health in general. That's why finding ways to remove microbial dental plaque (biofilm) effectively is key to patient wellbeing.

In a global survey of 76,000 patients to determine the preferred method for professional prophylaxis, 92% said they were enthusiastic about EMS's Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) method and would recommend it to family and friends.

The questionnaires consisted of eight questions, including the overall assessment of GBT, the surface smoothness achieved, the usefulness of disclosure before starting the treatment and a direct comparison with the conventional method. GBT achieved very good results in all the questions illustrated, scoring 4.6 or 4.7 out of a possible five points in each case.

For further information about EMS's GBT, www.ems-dental.com/en/guided-biofilm-therapy