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Prognosis factors for survival in fetuses with prenatally diagnosed megacystis

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The authors thank the Centre Pluridisciplinaire de Diagnostic Prenatal from Saint-Etienne and Grenoble for their help in identifying patients.

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LG was responsible for designing the study, extracting and analyzing data, interpreting results, and writing the manuscript. TR-B and PH contributed to designing the study, extracting data, and provided feedback on the report. M-CF, A-LC, DR, P-YR, M-NV, and FP extracted data and provided feedback on the text. FV contributed to designing the study and provided feedback on the text. AS contributed to designing the study, statistical analysis, interpreting results, and writing the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Aurélien Scalabre.

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Grimal, L., Raia-Barjat, T., Faisant, MC. et al. Prognosis factors for survival in fetuses with prenatally diagnosed megacystis. J Perinatol 42, 667–668 (2022).

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