Abstract 153

Background: Pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis are prominent features of infants developing CLD. IL-8 has been shown to be an important inflammatory cytokine. Act-TGF-β1, a profibrotic growth factor, increases the transcription of fibronectin and procollagen in fibroblasts. Aims: Correlation of cytokine excretion and development of CLD. Methods: From bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) of ventilated infants (birth weight (bw) <1200g) IL-8, act-TGF-β1 and the secretory component of IgA (SC) were determined by ELISA. Patients: Preterm infants who recovered from RDS (RDS- group, N= 13, mean bw 949g, mean gestational age (ga) 28+0) and patients with developing CLD = oxygen dependency on 28th day of life (CLD- group, N= 18, mean ga 25+6, mean bw 747g) Figure

figure 1

Figure 1

Results: In both groups increased BAL levels of act-TGF-β1 could be detected within the first week of life; preterm infants developing CLD had higher levels of act-TGF-β1. No differences in IL-8 levels were present between the groups.

Conclusions: Act-TGF-β1 was elevated in BAL of infants with RDS and CLD. It may play a role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis as indicated by the increased act-TGF-β1 levels in infants with CLD.